Month: May 2016

Splash of colour

20160504_150434917_iOS    Check out all our amazing art 20160504_150445437_iOS20160504_150746432_iOS20160504_150603360_iOS20160504_150445437_iOS

Y6 Perseverance

Another day of SATs over for Y6. Just the final Maths test tomorrow to go now. Well done Y6 for your perseverance and tenacity this week, I am proud of you all. 

Rugby Winners!

Congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby team who won all their games last night and are TOP of the inter-school league! 

Our flower work.

Today we did our work about flowers.There was lots of fun learning about plants.We started a sunflower diary,only some people,so it can be fair.

by George



Today we did some propaganda posters for World war two. Some of us thought of it from Hitler’s point of view and others thought from Chamberlain’s point of view. We also did a World War 2 timeline.

By Michael and George. IMG_1061[1]

Sun Safety

This afternoon we learnt how important it is to stay safe in the sun. We talked about the right spf suncream to wear, what clothes to wear and how important shade is in the middle of the day. In Art we had a go at making a sun using our hands as sun rays!


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Great effort Y6

Well done Y6 on your great effort,attitude and concentration this morning in your Reading SATs. We are VERY proud of you all. Reminder: Breakfast club is open from 8.15am for Y6. 


Equivalent Fractions Fun

In maths we worked out which fractions are equivalent to each other.

By Madoc and George


Summer is here as we get to go on the field!

Our first athletics lesson on the field- hooray!  Today we learned how to develop coordination & fluency in running for speed. We also practised jumping over hurdles. Tabetha was our roving reporter and took the photos of us in action!image IMG_1073 image

Science and circuitry…

Trying different components.

Drawing our circuits
Will it work?