Month: March 2018

Mother’s Day

It was lovely to spend time with our Mum’s in Nursery and to spoil them with a cream tea treat. Happy Mother’s day!

Year 1 Writing

Writing by Year 1.

Mother’s Day

The children really loved treating their moms, nans and aunties to a special morning in reception. They have been busy making scones throughout the week so were very keen for their special adults to have a taste. They enjoyed making flowers, badges and special ice-cream cones too! We hope the adults enjoyed the morning as much as the children did!

The Amazing Amazon!

5SB enjoyed creating their own Amazon scene using paint and other materials. It was fun being so creative and using our imaginations. We are also writing poetry to display alongside. Please check back soon!


How to wash an item of laundry or do the dishes.

Our instructional text theme has us washing things for real! Mrs Jones made her group do the dishes and Mrs Bird’s group had to wash a pair of (clean) socks! There’s no excuse now as to why the children can’t lend a hand at home – they were brilliant today. Tomorrow, we will be writing out the instructions in clear ‘how to’ sentences.

Graph paper programming.



We were learning about how to go right, left, down, up and colour squares. We worked in pairs and pretended one was a robot and the  other was a programmer.  Then we gave different instructions  for the robot to follow. It was tricky because we didn’t know if we were doing it properly but we helped each other to work it out.

World Book Day

We loved World Book Day! It was fantastic to see the amount of effort everyone had made to dress as a book character. Some pupils prepared speeches about how their chosen character fitted in with our School’s values – clearly, a lot of thought had gone in to costumes. Unfortunately, many pupils had gone home early due to the snow so there are quite a few children missing from our class picture! Well done everyone! 


World Book Day

We had a brilliant day for World Book Day. What a superb effort everyone made with their costumes!



World Book Day fun in 4LH!

In 4LH we had an AMAZING World Book Day, celebrating our love of reading through sharing the characters that inspire us and the many worlds that books can take us to. We each had a chance to ‘Voice the Value’; preparing a speech to explain how our chosen character reflects one of our school values at Lickey Hills. We also participated in a range of book-related activities, including artwork, competitions and quizzes… and best of all we each got to take home a book token, we can’t wait to explore all the new books we can buy! Happy reading everyone! 

World Book Day 3HC