Category: Eco Week

Eco Week

Reception have been busy outside in the garden planting tomato seeds for eco week, designing seed packets and making ‘turnip soup’ or mud pie!

Bug Hotel Now Taking Reservations

4RF had a fantastic time this morning building a minibeast hotel. We used some old fencing panel along with sawn-up branches, pine cones, leaves, sticks and the hollow stems of cow parsley that we had collected from around the school field to produce a range of habitats for beetles, bugs and woodlice. We can’t wait to see what guests come to stay later in the year.

Garden Designers

As part of Eco week, we’ve been designing gardens to encourage wildlife around the school. We learned about how bees are important and researched lots of ideas which would help bees and other wildlife. We then looked at the school garden and thought about how we could include these ideas. Finally, we produced our garden designs using our fantastic new watercolour paints (thank you PTA!)