Category: Headteachers blog

Welcome back!

We’ve had a super first day back, it has been lovely hearing the holiday news and seeing so many keen and eager faces ready for learning. A big LHPSN welcome to our new families too.

A message of thanks to the PTA, Parents, Carers and Friends of LHPSN

Thank you to everyone who has supported our wonderful school community events this year. The very first ‘Lickey’s Got Talent’ show raised an amazing £700 and the Summer Faye raised a record breaking £2,895! Many thanks to the core group of parents who plan, organise and coordinate the events and to the MANY of you who support by donating, attending and putting your hands deep into your pockets! If you’d like to join the PTA their Annual General Meeting is at 6pm on the 16th September 2019 – All welcome.

Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6!

6MT and 6CW what can we say? What a wonderful year group you have been. You’ve made us laugh, you’ve made us proud, and you’ve kept us busy! On to the next step of your journey – we know that you will all go on to do amazing things and we look forward to hearing news of your adventures and achievements! Good Luck in the future and pop back and see us some time!

A final word from our Head Boy and Head Girl

Evie – I have really enjoyed my time here at Lickey. It’s been so much fun and a privilege to be head girl. I am really proud of our school and the children in it and I will miss them all so much.

Will – It’s been an honour to go to Lickey Hills Primary School and to be voted in as Head Boy. The staff here have been great and have helped me to Dream, Believe and Achieve. I am excited for the future and feel well prepared for sec-ondary school.
Thank you Lickey!

Award Winners – Generation I Can!

Congratulations to Mrs Crompton and Erin (Y4) for their awards last night at the Generation I can award ceremony held at Worcester Arena. 

The Generation CAN Awards are local awards to celebrate the remarkable achievements of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the adults who support them.

Home Secretary Visits LHPSN for Democracy Question Time

We also welcomed the Home Secretary, Mr. Sajid Javid, MP, today.  He commented on the children’s excellent questions including: who inspires you? How did you feel when you found out you had the job of Home Secretary? Are we safe as young people with knife crime today ? Would you ever build a wall like Donald Trump? He shared some interesting facts about his role as Home Secretary, working with the Prime Minister and the Queen.  Mr Javid was greeted by our Headboy Will, and Headgirl Evie,  who were really excited to meet him.  Year 6 were pleased he was able to give us a small amount of his time during this busy time in parliament and they look forward to finding out more about democracy next week.

What do Parents value at LHPSN?

“There are some fantastic teachers who go above and beyond for the children and support the parents”

“It’s a strong curriculum.”

“My child loves coming to school because the staff give encouraging feedback.”

“The school doesn’t just focus on the academic.”

“There’s strong behaviour management.”

“I like the ethos of the school, caring children, teachers are kind and caring.”

“My child feels well supported at school”

“Nurture team support the children excellently”

“I am really happy with the holistic approach taken by school to care for my child’s emotional health to ensure he can fulfil his potential academically”


Who’s Marching into Britain?

I saw some super creative homework in 4SR this week based on their Roman  theme. These two caught my eye, a Colosseum cake and the Leaning Tower of Pisa – two lasting landmarks Harley and Niamh think you should visit.

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Happy Chinese New year! The children have already started their celebrations at LHPSN finding out about the traditions and celebrations associated with the Chinese Lunar New Year or Spring Festival. Nursery had a fun filled morning, making Bolang Gu drums, eating Chinese food at a banquet and did an exciting dragon dance around the playground. Thank you to the families who sent in donations of decorations and some lucky red envelopes for the children. On Thursday the whole school is celebrating with some special visitors to help us find out more about this world wide celebration.

Ofsted: This school continues to be good

Ofsted: This school continues to be good 
This is the second Ofsted inspection in my role as Headteacher of LHPSN and I am delighted to share the latest report with you. It reflects the wonderful ethos, achievements and successes of the whole school community. Thank you everyone for your united efforts to ensure our children can dream, believe and achieve their very best. Here are some highlights from LHPSN’s Ofsted report (December 2018) which recognises and celebrates:

‘a carefully nurtured a staff who give high priority to developing pupils’ well-being and happiness as well as their academic success.’

Pupils who ‘clearly enjoy teachers’ carefully planned lessons which inspire pupils’ interest and imagination.’

‘Teaching assistants (who) are skilled in providing,substantial,well informed support for pupils.’

‘Pastoral staff (who) know individual families well and provide considerable support for both the adults and pupils involved.’ 

‘a united team of staff, pupils and governors who exemplify your current school values.’

‘All staff and governors convey a strong commitment to pupils’ safety and well-being.’

‘…..pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.’

‘Pupils in the resource base ….follow carefully designed learning sessions and go on to make good progress…’

The full report can be found on the school website and in your Parentmail email inbox. 

A Super Start to the New Year and New Term

What a super start to 2019 and the new term we have had. Everyone was delighted to re-join their friends and we began to settle back quickly into our school routines. Due to the Christmas break we still await our Ofsted report but will share it with you as soon as we are able to. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute to the Parent View questionnaire as well as the Governor questionnaire. We will share the outcomes and actions arising from them once governors have agreed them.