Category: KS1 Language Base

One potato, two potato…

The first day of spring sounded like a good excuse to go outside to do some gardening. After weeding and levelling some raised beds, LB1 planted some potatoes in the school’s new garden. We hope to taste our harvest later in the year.

Sea Shells in the Mountains

Year 2 and LB1 have been following the adventures of Charles Darwin on HMS Beagle. This week Mr Darwin experienced a volcanic eruption, an earthquake and a tidal wave (all a true story!) before venturing high up into the Andes Mountains where he discovered fossilised seashells. 

We then looked at some fossils, including ammonites, coral and seashells before having a go at trying to work out what a dinosaur may have looked like from just its bones. 2MG also had time to produce some beautiful ammonite watercolour paintings.

LB1’s exciting week

This week we celebrated Chinese new year.  We watched some beautiful Chinese dancers.  They danced a fan dance and an umbrella dance.

We tried Tai Chi with 1SH in the hall.

We made Chinese lanterns and dragon masks.

We also tried Chinese food including;- noodles, rice, spring rolls and rice crackers.

We were given a red envelope to take home with us, with a special treat inside. 

Freddie and Alex brought in ornaments from different countries for show and tell.

Minpins and giant people!

Today, the children in LB2 finally finished their Minpin houses. They all look awesome. Everyone’s house was different with individual features.

LB1 came to visit our gallery and peeked inside the houses. We all wanted to be either giants and peek inside the postage stamp sized windows or tiny people and live in the houses!

Christmas Week in LB1

We have had a super few weeks with productions, cooking, making  and parties.

Have a look at our  highlights!





KS1 – It’s A Nativity!

Christmas Production photographs



Investigating 2D shapes!

Show and Tell in LB1

Every week in LB1, on a Friday, the children bring in a toy, picture, book or photo from home to share with the  children.  The children love this time, on a  Friday afternoon, where we discuss what they have brought in, why and then ask questions about it.

We have enjoyed show and tell sessions on;-

Holidays, favourite toys, books and autumn.

We have had a lovely first week back!

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