Category: KS2 Language Base

Let me persuade you!

This is us persuading ‘Little Billy’ that our team’s design will save him from the terrible Gruncher/Gobbler monster.  We followed the rules of teamwork and worked together to produce a persuasive argument using key vocabulary: ‘I think…’, ‘I feel that…’, ‘Also…, ‘Thirdly…’, ‘For these reasons…’, ‘As you can see…’


Minpins and giant people!

Today, the children in LB2 finally finished their Minpin houses. They all look awesome. Everyone’s house was different with individual features.

LB1 came to visit our gallery and peeked inside the houses. We all wanted to be either giants and peek inside the postage stamp sized windows or tiny people and live in the houses!

Minpins and mini houses

Home Learning 25 Jan – 6 Feb


We are using the text ‘The Minpins’ by Roald Dahl as our topic in literacy.  As part of this topic, we are making Minpin houses. We drew out our plan and today we started to make the furniture. 

2D shapes to 3D shapes

We learned how to use perspective to make 2D shapes look as if they are 3D.   We used 5 different 2D shapes with corners and then drew around them. Then we used ruler skills to draw straight lines from each corner to a dot in the middle of the page.  We pressed down quite hard with a coloured pencil to add a deep colour to the  face of the shape then used lighter pressure to shade the other parts of the shape. 

Christmas Surprises!

What a super day it’s been! We have had lots of lovely surprises in our classroom today. Two children achieved their penmanship and were rewarded with their very own handwriting pen to use at the start of  next term. 

We had a visit from a person in a red coat, white beard and sack of things. Everyone was very excited to welcome him into our classroom and have their photograph taken next to him.  He also gave out prizes to our 3 winners from the recent parish council competition (Lighting up our Village & Paint a Tree).  

We also had a ‘get together’ with LB1 to play a few party games, have a few snacks and share a delicious chocolate cake brought in by one of our Year 3 boys. Scrummy!

Finally, we said thank you and goodbye to Miss Morris, our SaLT. We surprised her with our own rendition of ‘The 12 Days of LB’.

We would all like to thank our families and children for all their kind wishes and gifts and in return wish you all a very Happy Christmas

School re-opens Tuesday 8th January.


On the way to Holy Trinity Church

We had a lovely walk up to the church this morning; it was sunny yet crisp and cold. Everyone sang beautifully and both Mrs Bird and Mrs Jones are very proud of the way our children conducted themselves throughout the morning. Our four readers read extremely well in church and we could hear every sound in the words they read – well done LB2! 


Nets of 3D shapes

In maths this morning we have been learning how to use DT skills for making a 3D shape from a net. Mrs Jones showed how to:

  • cut with accuracy
  • score with scissors and a ruler
  • fold carefully
  • put glue on tabs so that we could start bringing our shape together.

To help us remember how to get the ruler edge up close to a line, Mrs Jones said ‘make the ruler kiss the line.’

PTA Christmas fayre

We all brought in a donation for the PTA Christmas Fayre. Mrs Bird helped up us to take them to the staffroom ready for sorting.

Thank you so very much for all your generous donations to help make the fayre a success in raising money for our school.


A Sound Judgement

Last week, LB2 conducted a sound survey of the whole school. We measured noise levels across the school, in classrooms, the playground and in offices. Afterwards, we discussed whether this was actually a fair test and realised that it depended on what activity was taking place – Reception’s fun phonics lesson was definitely louder than Year 3’s writing assessment! This week we turned our data  into bar charts.

Predicting the story

We started a new text in literacy today called ‘The Minpins’ by Roald Dahl. We had a picture of the front cover and had to make a prediction as to what we thought the story will be about.  We did something new called a Gossip Market which means that we moved around to different partners and talked to them about our predictions.