Category: KS2 Language Base

Net investigation

In maths today we did an investigation to find out if flattened shapes could be folded to make a complete cube. It was a bit fiddly to fold each net but we persevered and made predictions.  


Could the real Pudsey step forward please!

We have had a fun Children in Need day.  Everyone made a super effort to wear something Pudsey style whether it was spots, bright colours, a bear suit or a combination of all three.  Here we are as a class in our costumes.

A write adventure!

We have been planning and writing our own stories. We have invented our characters or used ones we know and then used our imagination to write our own story. After drawing it out on a story board we then did a ‘cold write’ which means we just write it in out our books. Next week, we will use our editing skills to make improvements and uplevel our word choices. Some of us will use a thesaurus to find better words.  We are looking forward to hearing some very exciting adventures read out in class!

Kim’s Game

We have started a new topic in maths – 3D shape. Today we had a short quiz  to see if we could remember the names of different 3D shapes as well as describe their features.  Then we played Kim’s Game where a shape was hidden and we had to guess which one was missing.

Good Vibrations

LB2 have started their new science topic, “Super Sound”, by exploring how sound is made by objects vibrating. We watched beads jumping on drums, tuning forks flicking water into the air and slow motion videos of musical instruments to reveal the vibrations. We then used an oscilloscope app to display the sound waves produced by lots of different (and very noisy) instruments.

Reflective symmetry

Today, we have been using mirrors to see what the other half of a shape looks like when it is reflected.  Then we were carefully drawing the rest of the shape. We used tricks like counting the number of squares away from the mirror line and using dots to plot the vertices of the shape on the squared paper.

Harvest Assembly

We had a Harvest Assembly at half past two today. Mrs Jones and Mrs McGowan took us to the reception area to look at all the donations. We asked lots of questions about the things that had been kindly donated for our assembly. 

Reflective symmetry

We are learning how to complete 2d figures (shapes) across a mirror line. It was tricky today  to see how to draw the other half  of the shape. We tried our best and used mirrors to  help us ‘see’ where to draw the shape.                                                                                                   

Adjectives & Volume

In literacy we have been composing our own autumn poems using similes and adjectives.  We will be performing our poem using an instrument to convey the sounds of autumn. Today we sorted our adjectives  (e.g. crunchy, squishy, sticky) into sound levels – Whisper/Classroom voice/Playground voice and have chosen one instrument each to play in three different ways to reflect the three  volumes.  Tomorrow we will practise our poem and perform it in front of our class.

Here is our class work:


Year 3’s got talent!

This afternoon we have been practising our steady beat and rhythm. Here we are in full swing!IMG_1778