Category: Language Base

Creative Art – Our Family.

During our Yr. 1  Art lesson, 7th October, we created puppets of our family members.

Do you recognise anyone?

Our Communication Time with Miss Morris – 7th October

Today, we explored our listening skills.

We used a ‘hot potato’ to track sounds and guess who had the hot potato. 

After that, we played a safari game, listening to our animal’s name and moving when it was said.

Finally, we played the ‘Fidget Card’ activity to practise one of our listening skills – sitting still.





The first month in LB2

In LB2 we have been very busy this month. In maths, we are concentrating on larger numbers. In Literacy, we have been studying Tuesday and have become detectives investigating a strange case of flying frogs. We have written some amazing police reports. We have built hill forts (complete with sheep) in our theme lessons and our art work is outstanding. Every day we learn a new word in our word of the day. This week’s words are neighbour, mention and popular. We are using our new words in our written work. What a great start to the year.

Practical Purposeful Play – If I had a hammer!

Our Purposeful Play session focused on practical activities for the pupils to participate in. The theme of the session was building. Some chose to be builders, building the tallest towers out of mega blocks, whilst others chose to be architects, designing buildings that they would like to live in.

Our favourite challenge was the carpentry sector. Pupils hammered in nails to create designs of buildings, also refining their fine motor skills.


SALT Communication Session

Sarah Morris led an engaging and interactive communication session for LB 1 on Monday. The focus was on listening and the class played many games centered on listening, retrieving as well as taking turns.

Fun Phonics

 LB 1 2019 have arrived on the blog!

So … our first blog of 2019/20.

Today, as part of our phonics session, we explored our letter sounds by creating letters in foam. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience with laughter and smiles all around. 

The Great Plant Hunt

Is our school field just grass with the occasional daisy? Far from it as LB2 found out when they took plant identification charts outside and found a large range of wild flowers lurking between the tufts of grass.

How Does Our Garden Grow?

Before Easter, LB1 planted some potatoes and today we went to check on them. They have shot up and are looking quite leafy now but we found that we had some weeds to clear away. Everyone worked together hoeing and pulling up weeds, even clearing some of the other beds ready for planting.

Afterwards, we planted some flowers seeds in pots. We can’t wait for them to pop up in a week or two!

One potato, two potato…

The first day of spring sounded like a good excuse to go outside to do some gardening. After weeding and levelling some raised beds, LB1 planted some potatoes in the school’s new garden. We hope to taste our harvest later in the year.

The Science of Ice Cream

We’ve been learning about melting and freezing by finding out about what ice cream actually is and then making our own in the classroom. Unfortunately, we then had to eat it but we did learn lots along the way including why it is really lucky that water does freeze.