Category: Nursery

Dan the builder, can we fix it?

Nursery have loved getting our tools and builders hats on this week and building all kinds of things. We have been decorating our walls of our house inside and sawing and hammering nails. Of course we made a tasty healthy sandwich for our builders lunchbox too! 

We also got into supervisor role and went outside to investigate what the builders have been getting up to and we had lots of questions for them. Dan showed us his different tools and told us what each does and he showed us how to mix cement. We watched the team laying bricks high up on their scaffolding. 


Chinese New  year 

We have enjoyed visiting our Chinese restaurant his week and getting into role as waiters and customers. We had a go at using chopsticks and tasted different foods even making our own spring rolls.  










Christmas wishes

We have made a display of Santa getting stuck up the chimney and hung our stockings with our Christmas wishes. 

Nursery Christmas Activity Session

We had a wonderful session making lots of Christmas things with our families. Thank you everyone for coming and joining in the fun!


Songs around the Christmas tree

 The children in early years have been working very hard practising all their Christmas songs and dance routines ready for our Songs around the Christmas tree event.  On Thursday and Friday afternoon the children dressed up in their costumes and performed these songs in front of a live audience consisting of KS1, siblings and their parents/carers.

Well done boys and girls we are very proud of your professional performance.  A big thank you to all of the extra LHPSN staff for their help and support for the performances.  We had a great turnout, thank you to everyone who came along to support their child/children. Weren’t they all fantastic?


Umberslade Farm

What an amazing day out we all had. The sun shone and the weather stayed warm and bright! Nursery enjoyed seeing lots of different farm animals and amazingly  a baby lamb was born whilst we were at the farm too. We retold the story of the nativity but best of all was meeting Santa in his cosy grotto. Well done nursery for being so sensible and well behaved and thank you too to all our grown up helpers for making this day such a success.












Children in need

We had a wonderful day in our spots! We made pudsy bears and spotty biscuits. We enjoyed dancing and buying and selling cakes. Well done everyone! 




Nursery have enjoyed creating firework pictures. We looked at the artist Aldredge to create our own firework pictures using straws. We also used shapes to create firework representations and enjoyed our firework party role play where we could reenact our own firework experiences.


Autumn days

We have loved exploring the changes of Autumn starting with a lovely walk. We have studied our Autumn leaf and seed collections and helped make leaves, squirrels and hedgehogs for our Autumn display.