Category: Nursery

Father’s day

Thank you to all the Dad’s who were able to pop into Nursery for a father’s day treat. The children loved having you in setting and sharing some of their school world with you.


Two Little Speckled Frogs…

We said goodbye to our little classroom visitors today as our tadpoles have turned into little froglets over the holidays! We released them by the edge of our wildlife pond and they were quick to go and sit on a log to look for some delicious bugs (yum yum!)

Royal Wedding

What a nice day for a royal wedding…

We had lots of fun getting ready with our wedding preparations before taking our places at the royal wedding of the year. 

Colourful Butterflies

We made chromatography butterflies today. We started by marking coloured dots with felt tip pens. Then we put the bottom of the paper in a shallow tray of water and watched the water soak up the paper. We were amazed as the colours seemed to “melt” and spread upwards. Some of the colours even changed – the brown spread out in to blue and orange for example. We noticed that our patterns were the same on both wings.

Who’s Come To Stay?

We’ve got some visitors down in Early Years as some tadpoles have come to stay. We’re going to watch them carefully over the next few weeks to see what happens to them…

Easter Activity Day

Thank to you to all the grown ups who were able to come and join in our Easter Activity session. We had a fabulous time making lots of Springtime and Easter creations.

Sports Relief

What a busy day, walking to Moscow for the last day of the week, keeping active with our funky fingers session and enjoying some healthy beans on toast from the beans Jasper kindly left us. Best of all was dancing with Miss Troth in the hall. 


Science Day

Nursery enjoyed discovering that at the top of Jasper’s beanstalk was outer space. An alien egg was found having landed in Nursery. Maybe it fell from our beanstalk? We did mark making in our rockets, made fluffy and fizzy paint which we used to create planets and painted aliens. We also explored how we could package alien eggs to work out how the egg  landed safely.

Let it snow…!

We have been spoilt for snow this year. We had a fabulous time playing in the snow today with plenty to dig and build with and some to throw  a snowball or two too!

Mother’s Day

It was lovely to spend time with our Mum’s in Nursery and to spoil them with a cream tea treat. Happy Mother’s day!