Category: Nursery

World Book Day 2018

Nursery enjoyed dressing up and talking about their book characters today. We enjoyed listening to some of our favourite stories and we were lucky to have a librarian come in and share a story with us too.

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Pancake day

We enjoyed choosing our own toppings to put onto our pancakes which we then rolled and ate. Yummy!

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It’s snowing!

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Chinese New Year

Nursery have enjoyed finding out all about Chinese new year. We have taken orders and cooked dishes in our Chinese role play as well as cooking our own yummy creations. We had a buffet of noodle, rice, spring rolls and crackers. Mrs Morgan Lee has been teaching us to count in Cantonese to 5 and to say thank you.

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Christmas activity session

What a lovely way to end our term by making lots of lovely Christmas things with our  family members during a festive activity session. Thank you to everyone who came and joined in the festive spirit.

Songs around the Christmas tree

What a wonderful seasonal sing song. It was lovely to share our singing and dancing at our very first Lickey Hills production.

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Umberslade farm

IMG_4843 IMG_4841 IMG_4840 Nursery had a wonderful time at the farm today. First of all we met Santa which was really exciting as we got to whisper our Christmas wishes to him before getting changed into costumes to tell the story of baby Jesus being born. After that we got to see and feed the different farm animals and their babies. Some of us were really brave and were able to let a chick balance on our heads too.

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This week we have been excited talking about our Halloween parties, costumes and trick or treats.

We built on our interests in school by making spells in our spooky house just like Meg in a Meg and Mog story, making ghost footprints and pumpkins as well as using our voices and bodies to represent Halloween creatures, and explore rhyme making silly soup  with bats and cats and rats!


Autumn days

We went on a Autumnal walk to use our senses to discover the changes of the seasons. It was a perfect Autumn day. We enjoyed spotting different signs and listening to the leaves crunch beneath our feet and feeling the wind in our hair! We then made an Autumn display in class and talked about our experiences.

Making Friends

   We have been continuing getting to know each other and making friends. This week we have painted our friend, taken their photo and made a cake to share.

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