Category: Reception

Our butterflies have emerged

Our mini- beast theme has continued this week and something extra special happened today. When we arrived at school this morning our butterflies had emerged from the cocoons. We watched their wings expand and fed them some tasty fruit. The butterflies are beautiful, they are orange and black in colour and their wings are symmetrical! We released them into the nature garden and wish them a happy life!

Grand opening

Miss Sailsbury officially opened the Early Years building and we loved showing our parents around. We read stories, played games and ate yummy ice lollies. We love our new learning areas!

Visit to the Botanical Gardens

We had a fantastic time at the Botanical Gardens. We have been learning about the life-cycle of a butterfly and it was great to see the different parts on the cycle in real life. The butterfly house was definitely the best bit, the butterflies were the biggest we have ever seen and were all amazing colours and shapes. Thank you too all the Mummy helpers, we hope you had great fun too!

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk, the children created story maps to help re-tell the story and added speech bubbles to show what each character said.  They have made magical beans with paint and glitter which grew into a giant beanstalk! In maths we have been finding out which footprint belongs to the giant and which bowls holds the most water. 

Eco Week

Reception have been busy outside in the garden planting tomato seeds for eco week, designing seed packets and making ‘turnip soup’ or mud pie!

Red Nose Day 2017

What a fun day! We have raised lots of money in the cake sale and the cakes tasted delicious.  We designed our own red noses and learnt the 2017 red nose day song ‘put a nose on it’. 

Maths Week

We have been busy this week  taking part in lots of maths challenges. We began maths week with the first challenge, ‘How many children linking hands would it take to get all the way round the playground?’ We used our counting skills to count to find the total.  Other challenges included, telling the o’clock time, creating repeated patterns with bottle tops and finding shapes in the environment.


World Book Day

What a fantastic day we have had. We enjoyed meeting the visitor from the library who shared a story, ‘Kitchen Disco’! We brought our books in wrapped up and we had a lucky dip so that each one of us had a book that we wouldn’t normally choose. Even though we couldn’t see the front of the book we had fun deciding whether the paper matched the book inside! 

We have also been busy making book marks to match our ‘time’ theme in Maths. 

We now have a new book, a book token to help buy a new story and a book mark to keep our place when we read!

Story time

This afternoon some of the Year 3 children brought their stories to read to us.  The stories they had written were all about the ice age and included a variety of characters such as dinosaurs and mammoths!  The Reception children listened attentively and responded to what they heard asking questions and and commenting on the stories.  Thank you Year 3, what a lovely story time.

Elmer the elephant

Elmer the elephant had many different colours in his patchwork coat.  We used different coloured jams to make an edible patchwork and made our own berry juice, pink not elephant grey!