Category: Reception

Are all leaves green?

Our indoor bean seeds have germinated.  We have discovered that seeds only need water to germinate but to continue to grow into healthy beanstalks they also need light and nutrients from the soil.  The children noticed that the leaves were green and we posed the question ‘are all leaves green?’  Everyone went out into the garden to collect different leaves.  Wow, we discovered so many different shades of green!


We planted seeds to grow our very own beanstalk and then wrote instructions for our friends to follow.




Story characters

The Reception children had to decide whether the giant was a good character or a bad character in this week’s story of Jack and the beanstalk.  We put ourselves into character listening for Jack stealing our treasure and talking about our feelings.  Then we described how the giant looked and how he felt before doing some amazing writing.

Rescue Jack

After escaping from the giant Jack climbed up a tree in our playground and got stuck!  The children had to find a way to rescue Jack and bring him back to the ground safely.  We had an amazing afternoon exploring all of their ideas including a giant slide, zip wire and bucket pulley system.

Designs for a giant!

Inspired by this week’s story of Jack and the beanstalk the children used the available resources to build a castle for Jack.  The children even tried to build a castle in the clouds!

Easter hunt

The Easter bunny surprised us with a delivery of eggs in our garden to find today and even better was that they had a chocolate surprise inside!

Easter bonnet parade

Thank you to all the parents who helped make beautiful Easter bonnets and joined our parade this morning. The children have really enjoyed themselves. 

Mother’s Day Treat

On Friday the children invited their mummies and other family members into school for a special treat of scones and lemonade.  Everyone had a fabulous afternoon enjoying the sunshine, crafting ‘love bugs’ and being pampered in our beauty salon!




The Odd Egg

This week the children have amazed us with their writing, describing the odd egg that duck adopted.  

Sense of Science

In Reception we have been using our senses to explore our environment. The children were challenged to identify food items only using their sense of smell.   We also investigated how the colour of food influences this.  All the children correctly identified the mint oil in the green chia seed slime.  However, they though the red slime smelt of strawberries until they closed their eyes.  When we closed our eyes we realised it was actually orange!  Our favourite part was exploring the texture of the slime;  “it’s cold and slimy”, “lumpy”, “it’s hard and soft!”.  If the slime was hit it felt solid but when you tried to pick it up it ran through your fingers.  

Our eyes were useful in the prism investigation centre.  The children discovered how different things looked when observed through a prism and when placed on patterned paper it was magical how the patterns changed. We even discovered how to create a rainbow!  

We used our ears to identify the different animal noises on a CD and our sense of touch to identify items associated with them.  What an amazing day!