Category: Reception

Indian Restaurant

We have had a great time sampling Indian dishes, tasting a variety of foods including pilau rice, garlic naan bread, poppadums, chickpea dhal and mango chutney.  Yum yum!


Building Bridges

Not content with building boats to save the gingerbread man last week, this week we set about creating bridges to help him cross the river. We looked at different ways of making the bridge stronger by simply bending the paper. It was amazing how strong a piece of paper could be.


Speech bubbles

This week we have been looking at what the different characters in the Gingerbread Man story said. We learned that sometimes when a character is speaking the pictures shows them with a speech bubble coming from their mouth.  There has been lots of independent learning this week and we are so proud of the number of children writing their own speech bubble for the Gingerbread Man.  They even spotted speech bubbles in our reading books too!





Rescue the Gingerbread Man!

Having already discovered why the Gingerbread Man does not like water, we explored making boats to help him cross the river. We found some materials float, others sink, but if we change the shape we can make them float.

Family Friday

WOW! Everyone had so much fun in the first family Friday session. The children loved having their grownups come and play for the afternoon! 

First week fun

We have had a fantastic week! 

What a fantastic day the reception children have had in their new classes.  All the children have settled in well and have been working on lots of new challenges including choosing a school dinner and tidying up!

Reception Assembly

We really enjoyed performing in front of our families and the rest of the school.


We managed to dodge the rain clouds and get outside for the teddy bears picnic with year 1. We had a great time and made lots of new friends!

New member of Reception

Reception are so happy with the new class member, he has made himself comfy in the reading area. Thank you year 5, we are enjoying cuddling up to him and sharing a story.