Category: School


Year 2, 5 and 6 have produced some amazing artwork over the past few weeks. 

Children used watercolours, felt pens and pencil crayons to complete part of an image. 

Silver Sports Mark Award for LHPSN

Over the summer I was delighted to find out that our school had been successful in upgrading our School Sports Mark from ‘Bronze’ to ‘Silver.’ This is the first time that Lickey Hills has gained the ‘Silver’ mark and it really is a big achievement which is reward for the effort that our wonderful children and staff put into our sport last year. We went to more tournaments, ran more lunchtime clubs and even started the ‘Daily Mile’ initiative in Key Stage 2 which secured us this upgrade. We are looking forward to carrying on in this spirit this year and hopefully push for Gold! Thank you to Mr Brewer for his ongoing commitment and enthusiasm for our sporting success.

Meet the Teacher Event

The Staff of Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery invite you to

‘Meet the Teacher’ Wednesday 11th September anytime between 3.30pm – 5.30pm.

Please collect your child and then Y1-Y6 parents come and sign in at the main entrance any time between the opening hours above. Reception parents collect your children and sign in at the EYFS building.

Children and siblings are welcome and we encourage you all to come and visit your child’s new classroom and see why everyone enjoys learning at LHPSN.

There will be an opportunity to meet teachers individually and discuss your child’s progress at parents evening later this term on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th November 2019.


School Admissions September 2022

Applications for Lickey Hills Primary School September 2022;  Admission to Reception is in September at the start of the school year in which the child has his/her 5th birthday. This is a once a year admission date open to all parents.

Apply online Worcestershire School Admissions – You can do this via this link:

You will need an email address. You will be sent an email to acknowledge your application and you will receive receipt of your submitted application. If you do not have access to the internet at home – you can apply at any  Worcestershire library.

Our Starting School Programme ; Parents/Carers are invited to a ‘Welcome to Early Years Induction Evening’ during the second part of the Summer Term prior to the term in which your child starts school. At this meeting we share our Welcome booklet and our starting school arrangements with you. Home visits take place in the summer term along with stay and play sessions. We will always work with you to ensure a smooth start to LHPSN. 

Welcome back!

We’ve had a super first day back, it has been lovely hearing the holiday news and seeing so many keen and eager faces ready for learning. A big LHPSN welcome to our new families too.

A message of thanks to the PTA, Parents, Carers and Friends of LHPSN

Thank you to everyone who has supported our wonderful school community events this year. The very first ‘Lickey’s Got Talent’ show raised an amazing £700 and the Summer Faye raised a record breaking £2,895! Many thanks to the core group of parents who plan, organise and coordinate the events and to the MANY of you who support by donating, attending and putting your hands deep into your pockets! If you’d like to join the PTA their Annual General Meeting is at 6pm on the 16th September 2019 – All welcome.

Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6!

6MT and 6CW what can we say? What a wonderful year group you have been. You’ve made us laugh, you’ve made us proud, and you’ve kept us busy! On to the next step of your journey – we know that you will all go on to do amazing things and we look forward to hearing news of your adventures and achievements! Good Luck in the future and pop back and see us some time!

A final word from our Head Boy and Head Girl

Evie – I have really enjoyed my time here at Lickey. It’s been so much fun and a privilege to be head girl. I am really proud of our school and the children in it and I will miss them all so much.

Will – It’s been an honour to go to Lickey Hills Primary School and to be voted in as Head Boy. The staff here have been great and have helped me to Dream, Believe and Achieve. I am excited for the future and feel well prepared for sec-ondary school.
Thank you Lickey!

Award Winners – Generation I Can!

Congratulations to Mrs Crompton and Erin (Y4) for their awards last night at the Generation I can award ceremony held at Worcester Arena. 

The Generation CAN Awards are local awards to celebrate the remarkable achievements of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and the adults who support them.

Time Capsule

1KG were very excited last week when members of The Cofton Village Hall Trust and Chris Newsome, Development Director at St. Modwen came into school to put our pictures of the local area into their time capsule. The capsule was later buried near to the new village hall. 

St Modwen time capsule

Home Secretary Visits LHPSN for Democracy Question Time

We also welcomed the Home Secretary, Mr. Sajid Javid, MP, today.  He commented on the children’s excellent questions including: who inspires you? How did you feel when you found out you had the job of Home Secretary? Are we safe as young people with knife crime today ? Would you ever build a wall like Donald Trump? He shared some interesting facts about his role as Home Secretary, working with the Prime Minister and the Queen.  Mr Javid was greeted by our Headboy Will, and Headgirl Evie,  who were really excited to meet him.  Year 6 were pleased he was able to give us a small amount of his time during this busy time in parliament and they look forward to finding out more about democracy next week.