Category: School

Inspiration from a former LHPSN pupil and Paralympic Champion

British parasport rower and former wheelchair athlete Lauren Rowles, former pupil of the school, spoke to the children in a special assembly.
She shared her story from being a sports mad able-bodied young girl to becoming a celebrated Paralympic Gold medalist and MBE.
Teacher Dave Weston, who used to teach Lauren and organised the visit, said: “The children were captivated by Lauren’s story and were inspired by her attitude and ambition.

“Lauren is a perfect example of our school values of perseverance, positivity and determination. To have gone through what she went through at such a young age and then achieve Paralympic Gold and become an MBE inspired both the children and the staff.” He added: “The staff and children are still talking about her assembly now and we cannot wait to see what Lauren goes on to achieve next.”

Meet our newly elected Head Boy and Head Girl 2018/19

Congratulations to William and Evie Year 6, who were successfully voted in as the new Head Boy and Head Girl for Lickey Hills Primary School. I’m sure you’ll agree they are a great choice and wonderful role models for our school values. 

House Captains, Sports Captains and Ambassadors have also been appointed so look out for them in and around school helping out with: reading, music, IT, PE and being helping hands in the school, playground and classroom. 

Thank you to everyone in Year 6 who applied and for the time taken with your applications, they were a pleasure to read. 


Literacy LEAP Bronze Award for LHPSN staff! 

The award is based on the Special Educational Needs and Disability  Code of Practice and places emphasis on the practice of ALL teachers in ALL classes across the school. It celebrates best practice in identifying and supporting children who may be at risk of dyslexia, and other speech and language difficulties, and helping them to achieve their potential.

The criteria for the award was developed by  a national steering committee made up of teachers, local authority advisers and parents/grandparents of children with speech and language difficulties.

Led enthusiastically by Miss Hateley, our Assistant SENDCO ,language base teacher and dyslexia tutor, we have been able to raise levels of knowledge and awareness across the whole school, from the Governors and senior leaders to teaching and support staff. We hold the award until 2021 and are already preparing staff for the Silver accreditation. 

Open Evening for New Nursery and Reception Families

Open Evening for New Nursery and Reception Families will be on Monday 15th October from 6.30 – 7.30pm. We look forward to welcoming new and familiar families to our EYFS building to see our welcoming setting and meet our friendly and knowledgeable staff.

PTA AGM – Tuesday 18th September from 6.30pm

Hello and welcome from Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery PTA.

Welcome back to this new school year and welcome to all of the new
parents/carers and children joining the school. We would like to say another big thank you for your continued support for the PTA and we look forward to more great events and another successful year of fundraising.

The PTA have raised over £12000 over the last 3 years and this has helped to purchase extra equipment that enriches the educational experience of the children at Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery. Items purchased include; digital cameras, science equipment, art supplies, display boards, audio equipment, bug rugs, design technology aprons, and most recently an amazing £6500 for computers.

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th September from 6.30pm. This will take place in the bungalow on the school drive. All welcome.

Corrina Barros D’Sa and Caroline Brunn will be stepping down from the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair so if you would like to take on one of these roles please come along to the meeting, where the PTA committee will be elected. If you would like more information regarding these posts please email

Welcome 2018/19

We very much look forward to welcoming our children and families back to LHPSN on Tuesday 4th September and we extend a warm welcome to our new children and families joining nursery, reception and language base. 

Summer Fayre Enterprise and Fundraising Fun…

Thank you SO much to everyone who supported the school’s fundraising on Saturday. It was a pleasure to welcome so many families and friends to Lickey Hills for the day. Many thanks to the children, parents and staff who planned, organised and contributed to their enterprising competitions and stalls . Huge thanks to the PTA for organising the event on school’s behalf and for all the ‘behind the scenes’ work that goes on throughout the year . We were joined this time by Lickey and Blackwell Parish Council who funded the advertising and the Animal Man and also the Women’s Institute who provided delicious cakes and preserves. The weather was kind and we had a record number of visitors through the doors. What a fantastic community spirit showing our values of cooperation, friendship and determination. As soon as we have a final figure of funds raised we will let you know. Well done again Team Lickey Hills! 

Oak House are Sports Day Champions

Congratulations to everyone in Oak house team, you are the 2017/18 overall winners of the Sports Day Trophy with 350 points scored from all three department events. Charlie (Sports Captain) and Harry (House Captain) were delighted to receive the trophy with yellow ribbons on behalf of all Oak members. 

2nd place : Chestnut 348 points  (very close) 

3rd place: Beech 334 points 

4th place: Ash 248 points 

Amazing Art Work Elisa

What a fantastic dinosaur painting by Elisa in Nursery class! I love all the details she has put into her picture and the bright colours she has chosen. 


A day to remember for Haydn


“It was brilliant. l got a picture with Jack Grealish, John Terry, James Chester and l got the match ball.”

Congratulations Haydn for being the mascot for your favourite football team at Wembley. It looks like you had a great day despite the result.