Category: School

School Closure – Tuesday 12th December

School Closure – Tuesday 12th December. Following consultation with staff and governors about further freezing temperatures overnight, and compacted ice on pavements and busy roads where parents park, we will remain closed tomorrow for the safety of all our pupils, families and staff.

KS1 Christmas Performance

Edited highlights are now posted on the Year 2 page so please take a look and enjoy the clips from the show. Photographs will follow shortly. Well done everyone, a super team effort of narration, singing, dancing, percussion and acting to bring a lovely story of kindness and friendship to life. 


Adverse Weather Closure

LHPSN will be closed on Monday 11th December due to adverse weather conditions. The forecast of freezing conditions during the night and early morning make the site unsafe for cars and our pupils.


Unfortunately, school is closed today due to the weather conditions on both sides of the hill. 

Santa at the Farm!

Who did Nursery find at Umberslade farm yesterday?

Nursery had a wonderful time at the farm . Everyone met Santa whispered their Christmas wishes to him which was very exciting. During the day everyone was able to see and feed the different farm animals and their babies. The behaviour of the children was excellent and I know the farm staff were delighted to welcome you all. 

£800 Raised for Children in Need!

£800 Raised for Children in Need! We had a variety of different fundraising events including everyone coming in adorned with very colourful spotty clothes. We were lucky enough to have lots of delicious cakes to sell and we raised a lot of money through our bake sale. Our ‘Design a Pudsey’ competition was a great success with many unique and imaginative designs for a new costume for Pudsey, a huge well done to the winners from each class the designs have been sent to the BBC! The raffle for the giant Pudsey bear was a huge success with over 500 tickets sold! Due to this there were many envious faces when Lucas Powell of 2MG was drawn out as the lucky winner. Through all of these amazing efforts, we managed to raise just over £800. This is an astounding figure, and it is has been confirmed as our highest ever fundraising effort. Can I take this opportunity to thank all parents and guardians for your support of the fundraising and also the children for their immense generosity and impeccable behaviour on Friday, it really was a lovely day to be at Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery.IMG_2442

Putting our Values in Action

Thank you to everyone who contributed early Christmas gifts for Operation Christmas Child in Zambia. It’s good to see our values of friendship and kindness going beyond our school gates.

YOUNGSTERS from Lickey Hills Primary School have been inspired to help give children less fortunate a better Christmas, thanks to a local visitor.

Rosemary Aveyard who is co-ordinating Barnt Green’s Operation Christmas Child gave a presentation to years one to six during a school assembly.

She talked about her visit to Zambia where she saw the impact the boxes full of toys and gifts had on their recipients and showed them a Powerpoint presentation relating to the scheme.

Year five teacher Sarah Brooks said the children loved Rosemary’s visit and finding out about Operation Christmas Child.

“They were really inspired and now want to do something for the children less fortunate than themselves.

“So hopefully we’ll get lots of boxes.”

Tomorrow between 10am and 4pm at Barnt Green Parish Centre it will be Super Shoe Box Saturday where volunteers will be tasked with packing the gifts into boxes and tea, coffee and cake will be available to raise funds for transporting the boxes.

Last year St Andrew’s Church and St Andrew’s School sent more than 300 boxes between them.

Gifts for the boxes throughout the year but more will be welcome tomorrow.

Year 6 Outdoor Adventurers

Year 6 start their first day at PGL today. I’m sure each and every one of them will enjoy the experience, learn new skills and put our school values into action. I’m looking forward to joining them for the rest of the week where I know I’ll see resilience, perseverance and cooperation from our super Year 6 role models. 

I can’t but we can …

How lovely to see Year 6 teaching Year 4 a different approach to their maths learning this week. Teamwork and collaboration showing how you succeed by helping others. 

Homelearning is History!

This week Harrison (Year 3) decided to do his homelearning as a news reporter. Dressed as a journalist and reading from his script Harrison shared the news of the Ancient Egyptian treasure. The photograph shows a screenshot from the video of the mummy covered in ancient treasures. What a creative way to share your learning Harrison!