Category: School

Amazing Australian Art Work by Ashleigh Y6

On my walk around school this week I discovered this super piece of aboriginal inspired Artwork by Ashleigh in Year 6. I was particularly impressed with her colour choices and the care she has taken to produce such a striking picture. Well done Ashleigh, what an excellent effort and well deserving of a Headteacher Award and Golden Book entry.

What a super start to the new term!

Everyone has made a super effort in their learning and friendships in this new academic year. The children are full of energy and ideas and the teachers and support assistants have ensured everywhere is ready for a super start in new classes. I was delighted to enter Lilly 1AP in the new Headteacher’s Golden Book for her super maths working out. I’m sure there will be many more entries this term. 

Visits and Visitors

As well as welcoming lots of visitors into our school this week, the children have also been participating in lots of learning out of the classroom.

Year 1 visited Smite Farm to see how seed is turned into bread for their theme work.

Nursery have been to Wonderland finding out more about traditional tales, there are some super photographs on their blog pages.

Some key stage two children took part in the Bell-Boating Regatta this week coming 8th out of 36 schools.

Once again I hear many comments from the public, parents helpers and staff about the excellent behaviour of our children and how much everyone enjoyed their ‘out of school’ memorable learning experiences. 

Year 6 Heroes

What a staggeringly super performance of ‘Miniature Heroes’ by our Year 6 children this week.

Singing, dancing, anti-gravity pants and evil laughter filled the hall for three great performances of the show with lots of talent shining through in so many ways.

It was lovely to see the interaction between the children and the great encouragement they gave each other throughout the shows.

Thank you Year 4 for providing the soundtrack with your lovely singing too, your voices were appreciated. Many thanks to everyone who came along and for the lovely comments shared with me about our children and staff . There are plenty of photographs to share and they will follow on the Year 6 page shortly.

Thank you again to everyone involved in the production of ‘Miniature Heroes.’

Super SATS Achievements for Year 6 Children

Well done Year 6 for achieving excellent SATs results this year. You have been a delight to have in school with your many skills and talents that we see in school in so many ways. The test results are a snapshot of what our pupils can do on one day but we value and celebrate achievements  in many more things we’ve seen over the years ! That said, we’re very proud of our super results again … 71% of pupils achieved the expected standard in combined reading,writing and maths. In reading 74% of pupils met the standard with 24% achieving higher. In writing 82% of pupils met the standard with 34% achieving at greater depth. In maths 82% of pupils met the standard with 13% achieving higher. In spelling, punctuation and grammar 76% of pupils met the standard with 29% achieving higher. All results are higher than the national standards in 2016 and although emerging figures for 2017 show standards have risen nationally we predict our results will still remain above the national averages.

Summer Fayre Enterprise – Thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone involved with our super Summer Fayre and and Enterprise event on Saturday. Thank you to those who gave their time on PTA , staff and children for running stalls, those who donated and those of you who came along on the day to enjoy the event. What a super team effort and enjoyable day for all. Today we have the ‘count up’ so we can find out how much was raised and which class stall wins our special ‘most profit’ reward. We still have some unclaimed raffle prizes in the office so will contact you to collect this week. Many thanks again to everyone for another very enjoyable and successful fundraising day, your support is appreciated.


PTA Summer Fete 2017

On Saturday 17th June (2pm-4pm) we will be holding our annual PTA summer fete. As we did last year, each year group will be setting up and running their own business to help raise money for the school ICT project. Please come along and join in the fun!

The PTA have already raised an amazing £2500 this academic year! We are aiming to raise a further £4500 to purchase 30 new ipads and 15 laptops to enhance the learning of every child in school (from Nursery to Year 6).


LHPSN General Election Results

The votes have been counted for the general election 2017 at LHPSN. Despite a visit by Theresa May this afternoon, the children have elected the Green party as their winning choice. Children said they liked the Green’s policy on abolishing SATs tests,moving to a four day working week and their strong eco saving plans. There was a great turnout at the ballot boxes and some excellent debating taking place.

Manchester attacks: advice if you are upset or worried about what’s happened

The terrible events in Manchester this week have prompted some questions and concerns from our children. The website has some excellent facts and advice you may want to view with your children. I led an assembly after the Westminster attack and focussed on those who ran to save and protect – doctors, nurses, police, emergency services, taxi drivers, hotel staff all offering to help at no cost. It is important that we encourage our children to find reassurance in the courage, hope and bravery we see in people of all colours, religions and races and remind them never to be afraid to enjoy themselves and live their lives to the fullest. Have a safe and happy half term.

Race for Life and Sports Day Postponed- Dates to follow next week

Race for Life and Sports Day Postponed – Dates to follow next week