Category: Science

Do All Metals Conduct?

This morning we were learning about conductors and whether all metals conduct the same. We tested this by getting a metal wire and joining it to a light-bulb.  We then used a strip of paper which had numbers from 1 – 10 and we held it above the bulb to see how bright it was.  We used the pieces of paper to see if the light is brighter or darker. We found that a copper wire was the best metal.



Magnet Magic

Year 1 have been investigating magnets, finding it which materials will stick to a magnet. We were quite surprised to find that not all metals do stick. We also explored how magnets attract to each but can also push away if they are facing the same ends. Finally, we looked at how a magnet could make a paper clip magnetic so that it could then stick to another paper clip. Magic!

Investigating Circuits

Year 6 have been investigating circuits, looking at different ways to connect lights up. We found that if we connected the lights in a line (a series circuit) they get dimmer and we discovered that the voltage is shared between the lights. However, the lights will stay bright if we connected them in parallel to each other.

Flat Earth Theory Disproved!

Court was in session in Year 5 as the trial of several pupils accused of claiming that not only was the Earth roughly spherical, but that it revolves around the Sun, came to a close. In a sensational conclusion, Year 5 successfully defended their clients. Gathering witness evidence from Phoenician sailors to demonstrate that the surface of the Earth must be curved they then used expert testimony from Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler to prove that the Sun must be at the centre of the Solar System. Summing up, Judge Fishwick congratulated Year 5 on their “use of scientific evidence to prove their theories.”

Up Periscope!

Year 3 have been investigating reflection by making periscopes. We had fun spying on each other. We then looked at symmetrical shapes and how a light reflected across the angles.

Staying Dry

Year 2 are currently exploring the properties of materials. In this lesson we evaluated different fabrics to see which would be best for making a waterproof tent. We also found that we could improve the waterproofness of fabrics by rubbing wax on to them. 

Do All Materials Conduct?

We did science learning about whether all materials are conductors.  We used some wires to light up the light-bulb and used different materials to see if it did light up the bulb or not.  We used: metal, wood, plastic, a paperclip and a metal coin. We found out that a metal coin can light the bulb and that plastic can’t light up a bulb.  Wood can’t light up a bulb but a metal paperclip can light the bulb.

Written by the Year 3 & 4 scientists in LB2.

Lights, cameras, action!

Year 3 have been investigating how photography works by building pinhole cameras. We soon found out that the image was upside down! We went out to view the school through our cameras and then we watched some light sensitive paper change colour to record an image.

Reaching For The Stars

5AB launched their Autumn ‘Space’ theme with a bang by launching water-powered rockets. More importantly, they made parachutes to help them return safely to Earth as we explored the effects of air resistance.

It turns out, trying to photograph a flying rocket is harder than it looks…

CSI Lickey Hills

Year 6 have been forensic scientists using microscopes to analyse evidence from a crime scene (The Great Jelly Baby Raid!) We identified newspaper, tissue and fibres left at the crime scene, compared finger prints before finally analysing a Jelly Baby that was left behind with some kind of substance stuck to it.