Category: Lhps

2D and 3D shape

Today in Maths we constructed 2D and 3D shapes using sticks and blutac. We counted the number of sides or edges the shape had and knew we needed that many sticks to make the shape. Look how well we did…


Working together to make a Cuboid


Square based and triangular based pyramids.


Look at all the 2d shapes we can make.

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Budding Gymnasts !

I am so proud of the children in 1MH. We had a fabulous PE lesson today creating basic body shapes.




A perfect pike.


A dish.




Can you guess what shape Kitty is making.


Mr T and Mr T !



Happy Cats and angry cats.

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Layers of The Amazonian Rainforest.

Using only our hands as tools, we created an abstract Rainforest.  Each layer was carefully added starting with the tallest layer and finishing with the forest floor.  Please ask your child to explain what the different layers are (they could even show you with a dramatic representation!)  IMG_0582 IMG_0584 IMG_0585 IMG_0586

Fabulous fractions!

Who said fractions were fractious? We have been working really hard at finding half , quarters and thirds of shapes.  With a little help from some tasty looking pizzas we can now explain what fraction means.  Please ask your child to explain to you what whole, half, quarters and thirds (or fifths…or sixths…) mean.  IMG_0578 IMG_0579 IMG_0580 IMG_0581

Amazing Igloos!

Look at the amazing igloos the children have made as part of their  home learning.

We have also read some great riddles too!

Harrison told me that he worked on this igloo with his mummy. He loved the penguins.


Cameron was very proud of the pattern  blocks he used to make his igloo.


Jacob’s Igloo looks good enough to eat!


A small but perfectly formed igloo made out of tiny marshmallows. Very yummy and beautiful!


Rowan loved his snowman and the igloo has a very grand entrance.


Here is Erin showing her riddle.


We guessed Jaiden’s riddle to be about a polar bear!


Bobby investigated a famous explorer of the North Pole for his home learning. 


First few weeks

What an exciting start back to school we have had. 

Our theme for this half term is Frozen;  we have been investigating animals that live in the cold and how they keep warm.  We have been using adjectives in our writing to describe how the cold feels, looks, smells. 

We have been investigating the different ways information is presented as well as practising our addition and subtraction skills. 

Rowan, Harrison and Jaiden have all won the reading bear so far. 230 227

Listening Eeyore has been won by Oscar.IMG_4502

Our maths and writing stars of the week have been Harrison, Jacob, Jaiden and Taylor. 

Well done to you all.



Meet the Builders

Reminder: Come and meet the builders and see what exciting projects we have planned for our school. 6-7pm Tuesday 17th January, school hall. 

A positive new term!

Everyone has returned after their Christmas break with a really positive attitude to school life and their learning.  It is pleasing to see so many smiley faces and happy learners enjoying getting along with each other as well as getting stuck into their lessons.  Well done everyone- keep up the fantastic work!

This is us in maths investigating different triangles.  We used lots of maths vocabulary such as Equilateral, measure, Isosceles and larger than when talking to each other and some of us really pushed our learning forwards when explaining how we could test our ideas.

A super lesson everyone!


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Welcome back!

We have had a lovely first week back with the children.  They are all very excited about our new theme this half term which is ‘Frozen’.  

The Reading Bear was won by Rowan this week who joined LBSY on Wednesday. His winning ticket was picked out by a child from LBJM . A big well done to him and all the children who read all over the Christmas holidays. There were a lot of tickets in the box on Friday!

Note for diaries; the year 1 children in LBSY will be joining Mrs Hayes Year 1 assembly on Friday  20th January 9:00- 9:30am in the hall.  Information regarding the assembly will be sent out next week.

Any parents, grandparents who have any spare time to read with children in LBSY will be gratefully received.  Please speak to the teachers if you have any spare time.

Thank you for all your continued support. 


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!  

Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. 

Language Base Team