Category: Lhps

Christmas jumper day!

Yesterday we had a party in the afternoon and played some games.  We played pass the parcel – when we were unwrapping the present mostly everyone got a forfeit or joke to share with the class.  We also played musical chairs and felt cheerful because no-one got upset about being out.  Most of us felt energetic because we all got too excited!  A special visitor came to our classroom.  Eve rang a bell and Santa came in with a big sack of chocolate and toys and we all were given a chocolate lolly.  We had our photo taken with Santa and he ‘high-fived’ us all!

Hope you have a good holiday. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you on the 4th January.

Language Base team (& pupils).


Christmas in LBSY

We have had a fabulous day today.  Miss Yates, Miss Hateley, Mrs Bridgewater and Mrs Spooner bought LBSY a Christmas present which is a Playmobil Wildlife  Play set. Taylor said it was a really good present and Harrison said ,’ we all loved it’.  Bobby and Cameron said that they  really loved the play set and can’t wait to play with it!

Look at all the photos below of our wonderful day.

Miss Yates presenting LBSY with their Christmas present. 


We met Father Christmas in the morning and we each received a chocolate lollipop. Bobby said that he loved seeing Father Christmas and Jaiden said he had a good time. Mally loved having his picture taken with Father Christmas. 


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We then had a wonderful Christmas lunch in the hall. It was yummy! Oscar loved all the Christmas dinner as did Jacob.  Erin said that the food looked nice and tasted delicious. 

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Finally, we had a Christmas party where  we danced, played party games and watched a show.


We had great fun dressing up in our spotty clothes on Friday and then we made our own spotty cakes.  We did careful measuring and ensured that we used the correct amount of flour , sugar and butter which was 100g each plus 2 eggs.   As you can see we had great fun and the finished result looks scrummy!

mally mixingoscar mixingcameeronerin  mally mixingmallyjacobtaylor and erintaylorspotty cakes

Back to school!

We had a lovely week in LBSY.  The children returned their home learning which included some amazing art work using autumn leaves.  Bobby draw happy faces on his leaves, Jaiden created a tree, Oscar designed a beautiful card, Jacob and Cameron  did a collage and Mally designed an amazing large face.  Harrison always discusses the exciting weekends he has which have included the Goose Fair, Halloween , the circus and Firework Night – all beautifully illustrated and handwritten. Taylor has worked really hard on his handwriting and Erin wrote about her half term.  We have put examples of the home learning   in LB kitchen as it is too lovely to keep in class. 

We discussed the firework safety code and keeping safe over Bonfire weekend.  The children discussed the fireworks they enjoyed and the types of sounds they made :- some great onomatopeia(words that sound like the sound)such as boom, crash, crackling, whirring, wheezing, bang, zoom.   We also began work on measuring using metres and decimetres. 

Harrsion won the Listening Eeyore for great listening skills.  Cameron’s name was picked out of the box for the Reading Bear.  Mally was maths star of the week for his attitude towards maths this week and Jaiden was Writer of the week for the progress he has made in writing.  Well done to all of you. 

Week Ending 21st October

The children made their own 3D shapes in maths.  We started with a cube and then the children had a go at designing and constructing a cuboid with great results.  In writing we have been investigating the use of adjectives  as well as planning and writing a poem  Autumn.

Well done to  Jacob who won the reading bear .225



Well done to  Mally who won the listening Eeyore.


The children have worked hard all week .


Harrison   was 227awarded the writing star for super writing this week  .


225Jacob   was awarded the maths star for the super maths work he has done this week.


We also had an Achievement Assembly this week . Jaiden won Pupil of the Half Term, Cameron won the Achievement Award and Taylor won the Good Friend Award. 

  Well done to all our children.

 Have a lovely half term holiday.

We look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 1st November .  Don’t forget there is a TED day on Monday 31st October.


An afternoon get together!


On the last afternoon of this half term we had a lovely afternoon in KS2 Language Base.  Some of our parents were able to visit for an afternoon of delicious cake as well as seeing what their children had been up to this term.  Work from Literacy, Maths and Spanish was shared and we can now recognise some common colours in Spanish thanks to one of our Year 3 girls! 

Our visitors helped their children to decorate a pumpkin biscuit although there seemed to be more sprinkles and icing on fingers than the biscuits!

We look forward to another afternoon of sharing in the Spring Term.

Mrs Jones, Mrs Matthews, Mrs Bird and Miss Morris would like to thank all our parents and carers for their continued support – it really does make a difference.

Week Ending 14th October

Dear Parents,

A few  reminders:

Please return the e safety contract as soon as possible.

Harvest Assembly is on Thursday 20th October 2.30pm.

Home  Learning Journals to be brought in by Wednesday 19th October.

School finishes for half term on Friday 21st October .

We are continuing to investigate properties of 3D shape and data handling in maths.   In writing we have been investigating the use of 1st and 3rd person as well as discussing Autumn,

Well done to:-  Cameron  who won the reading bear,226




235Erin   who won the listening Eeyore.



The children have worked hard all week and Jacob  was awarded the writing star for working really hard with his writing and making good progress .






Harrison won maths star for his understanding and application of maths concepts . 





Well done to all our children.

Week Ending 7th October

We finished the week with the photographer today.  All the children looked lovely and smart and looked great when they were having their photos taken.

Thank you for the super  work the  children have done in their home learning journals. Lots of numbers to 20 and 100 .  The rockets that were made at home and brought in to class  were amazing!!  Bobby, Jaiden, Taylor and Cameron showed their rockets to the class and received a well earned certificate and sticker. 


We are continuing to investigate 3D shape and numbers in maths.   In writing we have been investigating the use of present and past tense as well as verb-subject agreement in sentences.  

Well done to Cameron  who won the reading bear244




227Well done to  Harrison  who won the listening Eeyore.




The children have worked hard all week and Jaiden was awarded the writing star as he is always keen to write  and Cameron for his work on numbers and 3D shape this week.








Well done to all our children.

I have added the phonics workshop power point presentation to the Language Base page. 

Week Ending 30th September

A lovely sunny end to a lovely week.  Thank you to the parents who joined LBSY to share books with their children on Wednesday.

 Don’t forget can we have all home learning journals back by Wednesday 5th October.

We have been investigating 3D shapes and their properties in maths: – sphere, cylinder, pyramid, prism, cone, cube and cuboid.

In writing we have been investigating the use of full stops as well as continuing to use conjunctions (but, and, because, so) when writing sentences.

Well done to Taylor who won the reading bear and Oscar who won the listening Eeyore. 😀 







As a result of all the great work the children are producing in lessons we have decided to have a star of the week for writing and maths.  We will pick 2 children each week and exhibit the child’s work and their photo in the classroom as well as placing it on the website on the KS1 Language Base blog.

We started today and the writing star of the week is Bobby and the Maths star of the week is Mally . Well done. 😀 

Have a lovely weekend and a great start to October.


Week ending 23rd September

Well done to Erin who won the reading bear this week and Taylor who won the listening Eeyore for showing great listening  skills .   😀 235





A well done to Cameron who achieved the Head teacher’s award for all the work he has been doing at home and  with great enthusiasm.

Keep it up Cameron . We are all very proud of you.  😀 226




We have been reinforcing our knowledge of 2D shapes and well done to Erin who knew what a line of symmetry is and was able to find not one but two lines of symmetry on her shapes.   😀 

We have been discussing space.  We read and  sorted  descriptions  under different headings for space, stars and rockets.

We have also been working on what a pronoun is as well as extending our sentences using the conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘but’. 

Keep up the good work LBSY!