Category: Lhps


Year 3 had a wonderful time baking with Mrs Cupper last week! The children baked bread! The children worked very well in a team to follow a recipe, knead and bake a loaf of garlic bread. How does this relate to Ancient Egypt? Well they loved garlic and bread was a staple food . It hasn’t changed much, has it? 


Show and Tell in LB1

Every week in LB1, on a Friday, the children bring in a toy, picture, book or photo from home to share with the  children.  The children love this time, on a  Friday afternoon, where we discuss what they have brought in, why and then ask questions about it.

We have enjoyed show and tell sessions on;-

Holidays, favourite toys, books and autumn.

Spelling Common Exception Words

In Year 1 we have learnt to spell some of our common exception words in different ways.

Which way did you like best? 

Junk Model Houses

Today 1KG started to make their junk model houses. We can’t wait to see what they look like when they are finished.

Vishnu and the Hindu Deities.

In RE we were finding out about the many different Hindu Deities (Gods and Goddessess). To help us with our understanding and empathy we did some freeze frames of a few of the Gods. 

First day in Nursery

The children had a fantastic first day in nursery. They enjoyed exploring the different areas and making new friends. It was lovely to see lots of smiling faces and we are looking forward to the week ahead.

Home Learning

Home Learning Journals Introductory task 07.09.18

2D shapes game

This morning we have been recalling what we know about 2D shapes and their ‘properties’.  Can your child tell you what we mean by ‘properties’ of a shape?

One game we played was to get the class to give clues to the person on the hot-seat who had to guess which shape was hidden behind their back. This was good fun as we had to really think of good clues but remember not to give too much information too soon.  The children on the hot-seat did a really good job of visualising the shape being described.

Day at Fenn Lane Farm

Art Year 1

Today in Art we learnt about Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at his famous Sunflower painting and then drew our own.