Category: Lhps

LHPSN Just Giving Page for Birmingham Children’s Hospital

A team of staff, family and friends are running (or walking!) to support the family of one of our children who is being treated for leukemia at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. 

Click here to go to our fundraising page.

Oliver Portman, age 9, was diagnosed in January 2018 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Type T. 7 weeks later following a major stroke, brain bleeds, several surgeries, including brain surgery, and chemotherapy, Oli is still smiling. He’s a real fighter! The staff at Birmingham Children’s Hospital have been amazing throughout, supporting Oliver and his wonderful family. The staff and Oli’s friends at LHPSN want to help repay their kindness by raising much needed funds for BCH Ward 15.

We welcome any donation, however small, which will go directly to Ward 15. Please give generously and come and cheer us on when we run on May 6th in the Birmingham 10K run. At Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, we believe there’s always more we can do for our sick kids and that’s why we will always strive to do more for our patients and families. It’s our mission to raise the vital funds needed to make a real difference to all who use our hospital.Your support empowers us to take innovative approaches to treating some of the sickest children in the UK. Your fundraising enables us to make our hospital feel just like home. Your donations are helping us to find new ways to treat and cure childhood diseases.

KS1 Christmas Performance

Edited highlights are now posted on the Year 2 page so please take a look and enjoy the clips from the show. Photographs will follow shortly. Well done everyone, a super team effort of narration, singing, dancing, percussion and acting to bring a lovely story of kindness and friendship to life. 



In Literacy year 6 have been writing difference sentences with different types of clauses. Can you spot the different ways you can create subordinating sentences?


Look at pictures of our learning this half term !

We have been learning lots this half term .  Here are some pictures of the different areas of learning  we have been focusing on. 

Taylor learning about the different sound the suffix’ed’ can make at the end of verbs. SUNP0547 Azaan discriminating between upper and lower case letters SUNP0553 Rowan, Jaiden and Azaan  investigating tens and units SUNP0573 SUNP0574 SUNP0579

Harrison, Rowan and Azaan  investigating amounts of money .SUNP0590 SUNP0591 SUNP0592

Azaan   Jaiden, Cameron and Freddie identifying and comparing big and small. Cameron and Azann estimated how tall each tower was and then counted the cubes.  Jaiden estimated how many centimetres high his tower was and measured using a ruler. All the children made great estimates.

SUNP0626 SUNP0623 SUNP0622 SUNP0625Freddie counting out to 5.


Marcus counting numbers to 5 as well.


Harrison brought in signs of Autumn to our show and tell. He particularly loved the red  leaf  fro the Acer tree in his garden as it was very colourful and delicate

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LB1 spent a great morning investigating floating and sinking with Dr Fishwick. 
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Finished cars

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I can’t but we can …

How lovely to see Year 6 teaching Year 4 a different approach to their maths learning this week. Teamwork and collaboration showing how you succeed by helping others. 

Roman Legion IVAB

After we have had such a wonderful array of Roman shields come into the classroom this week, we decided it was time to put them into action. We have also been looking at life in Britain before the Romans, researching the Celts. This week we have designed and created Celtic shields, using different textures and tones of colour. 


Great start to the new term!

What an amazing class of children! All have made a really positive start to the new term with superb attitudes to their learning both in LB and their respective mainstream classes.  In maths we are working on place value and learning the properties of 2D polygons. Our theme this term has taken us back over 2000 years to the Ancient Egyptians where we’ll be exploring the great pyramids and the sarcophagi within! Watch this space for exciting photos…

Amazing Australian Art Work by Ashleigh Y6

On my walk around school this week I discovered this super piece of aboriginal inspired Artwork by Ashleigh in Year 6. I was particularly impressed with her colour choices and the care she has taken to produce such a striking picture. Well done Ashleigh, what an excellent effort and well deserving of a Headteacher Award and Golden Book entry.


We have been exploring new words to expand our vocabulary choices! Do you know the meaning of all these words? 
