Category: Lhps

The Haka – 5CW

For our last unit in PE, 5CW have been learning about the haka – a traditional dance that is performed by the New Zealand Rugby Union team.

We learnt that the New Zealand team use the haka to intimidate their opponents just before the match kicks off. We even looked at some of the translations of the original Maori lyrics to help us create our very own haka!

Finally, we worked hard to perfect the Ka Mate haka and performed it as a class. Mrs Williams and Mrs Ray were both a bit scared as they walked through the hall!

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all pupils in 5CW for their amazing work this year – I’ve been blown away by your fantastic effort and the many outstanding pieces of work you have produced. You have been a pleasure to teach and I am looking forward to teaching you again at some point in Year 6! 

Mr Witcomb

Super SATS Achievements for Year 6 Children

Well done Year 6 for achieving excellent SATs results this year. You have been a delight to have in school with your many skills and talents that we see in school in so many ways. The test results are a snapshot of what our pupils can do on one day but we value and celebrate achievements  in many more things we’ve seen over the years ! That said, we’re very proud of our super results again … 71% of pupils achieved the expected standard in combined reading,writing and maths. In reading 74% of pupils met the standard with 24% achieving higher. In writing 82% of pupils met the standard with 34% achieving at greater depth. In maths 82% of pupils met the standard with 13% achieving higher. In spelling, punctuation and grammar 76% of pupils met the standard with 29% achieving higher. All results are higher than the national standards in 2016 and although emerging figures for 2017 show standards have risen nationally we predict our results will still remain above the national averages.

Home Learning – Mini Beast Poems.

The children wrote a poem about our theme this half term which is mini beasts. 

LBSY thought they were brilliant. I am sure you will agree!

The Worm by Cameron Swindale 

Cameron also made a an amazing 3D butterfly – photo coming soon.


Three Little Butterflies by Oscar Martin


The Ladybug by Harrison Southall

Harrison also made the ladybug in the photo and brought it into school. 


Open Afternoon Friday 23rd June

Thank you to the parents who came and joined LBSY this afternoon.  We had a wonderful fun time.  Thank you for all the lovely plants that the parents bought; it was really kind of you and have made a massive difference to our outside area. 

Thank you to Harrison and his mummy for being LBSY’s gardening gurus and bringing the strawberry plants; there is one strawberry ripe for picking! As well as the beautiful flowering plants. 


Thank you to Rowan and his mummy who bought a pot of herbs! Wonderful for the aromatic smells!  They also bought in windmills which add colour , movements and a lovely sound to the outside area. Rowan’s mummy was also superb at designing  and making the bunting!


Thank you to Oscar and his mummy who brought in beautiful coloured flowering plants and painted plant pots to put them in.


Thank you to Mally and his mummy who painted pots, and did a fantastic job of cleaning and sweeping the out side area! I do hope your back was ok Mally’s mummy because you worked really hard this afternoon!

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Thank you to Mrs Bridgewater for getting everything ready and for the wonderful children in LBSY who worked so hard.


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LBJM came to our official opening . They agreed that it was a truly magnificent effort , in only one hour, which looked amazing! I think you will agree. 

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Farm Visit Friday 16th June

What a great day we had on the farm. We saw the cows, hens and sheep. We saw how the cows were milked and then tasted milk shake ,  a variety of cheeses and ice-cream. We even made butter.
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We had a great picnic in the garden and played lots of games. 

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We made mini scarecrows. 

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We met a horse called Bluey and brushed her and stroked her.

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We met a little kitten and a dog.

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We also sat on different sized tractors.

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Thank you Gill and David and everyone at the farm for a wonderful day out. We all agreed it was the best day !

Enterprise Week.

Language Base worked together to create and supply our own stall for the Summer Fete on Saturday 17th June.

We decided to make squashtails.  We had to try out the flavours to see if they would sell at the fete. So we mixed some of the flavours together to make our own squashtails. 

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We made our own popcorn using a Mrs Bird’s secret Rocky Road .

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We also made our own bunting and designed posters. SUNP0316 SUNP0318


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it is SuperScarecrow!!

The Language Base worked together to build our very own scarecrow. 

As you can see from the photos we had great fun making and posing with the scarecrow.


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Big Sing

Today all of Year 5 visited Worcester University Arena to attend the ‘Big Sing’. We enjoyed singing our songs that we have been practising for the last few weeks and we also learned some new ones. It was great fun singing with nearly 1500 children and to a live band!

Please enjoy this extract of us singing!


‘Impeccable behaviour’ at the Botanical Gardens Year 4

I was delighted to receive a letter yesterday from Birmingham Botanical Gardens praising the excellent attitudes and behaviour of our Year 4 classes on their visit last last week. Two elderly members of the public visiting the gardens also
praised our pupils manners and behaviour. Look out for their newsletter piece this week about their Glasshouse Tour and the activities they participated in to research their garden project. I’m looking forward to seeing how they transfer their learning to our environmental garden once the mobiles are removed.  

Last week of the Spring term!

We have had an exciting  last week of term .

On Thursday 6th April a teacher from Google came in to show the children an amazing app called expeditions . We have taken pictures of the children on the I pads. Oscar and Mally, who are  both 7 years old, were able to look through a  Visual play set. Have a look at the photos. 

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On Friday 7th April we took part in an Easter parade. Jacob very kindly wore Rowans’ hat to show off Rowan’s amazing making skills.

Don’t they all look fabulous

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we had a surprise delivered  into school today from Erin’s Nanny!SUNP0166

When we opened the lid – inside were lots of lovely Easter egg cakes.

Thank you Erin and your nanny.


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