Category: Year 1

Money bingo

This week in Maths we have been learning all about money. We can recognise coins 1p to £2, we can add coins up and use coins to buy things from our role play shop. Today we had a bingo mat with lots of items from a toy shop. Miss Perry put some coins on the board and if we had that amount we could buy the item on our board. 


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Lego subtraction and addition

This week and last week we have been adding and subtracting 2 and 1 digit numbers. We have done so well and can use a number line or a 100 square to help us. Today we played a subtraction and addition lego board game with a partner. We started with 5 blocks of lego each and worked our way around the board, either adding or taking away pieces, depending on the instruction. The person to finish with the most pieces won! 


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The Three Little Pigs

We have been learning about the Three Little Pigs story in Literacy. Today we read the ‘Real Story of The Three Little Pigs’ where the wolf claimed he just had a cold and sneezed the houses down by accident! We had a go at hot seating during Drama where one of us was the wolf and the other was the interviewer. We had lots of fun asking lots of interesting questions!


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Nature Art

We spent this afternoon in the great outdoors and used Andy Goldsworthy to inspire our artwork! We collected natural resources like twigs, leaves and stones and took them back to the classroom to create a minibeast! Look how well we did…


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Measuring with tape measures

In Maths today we got into groups and took it in turns to measure each other with tape measures. We made sure we started at 1 and used ‘cm’ in our measurements. We worked so well in teams and had so much fun!

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Bread tasting from around the World

Yum we had a delicious afternoon. We tried Irish soda bread, Greek pitta bread, Indian naan and chapatti bread and french baguette! We can’t wait to make our own bread at the trip to Smite Farm tomorrow!

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Seaside theatre group

What a lovely morning Year 1 have had! The theatre group came in and we stepped back in time to look at how seaside holidays have changed. We went back to 1910, 1940, 1950 and 1970. We tried on lots of different costumes and looked at lots of different things people may have taken on holiday. IMG_0940[1] IMG_0942[1] IMG_0943[1] IMG_0945[1] IMG_0946[1] IMG_0947[1] IMG_0947[1] IMG_0949[1] IMG_0956[1] IMG_0958[1] IMG_0959[1] IMG_0960[1] IMG_0961[1] IMG_0962[1] IMG_0963[1] IMG_0965[1] IMG_0966[1] IMG_0967[1] IMG_0968[1] IMG_0969[1] IMG_0970[1]

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The Queen’s Birthday

We celebrated the Queen’s birthday in style today with a party on the playground with picnics and music! The Queen even managed to pay us a visit and arrived in her helicopter!

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Junk Modelling!

We loved our junk modelling lesson today! We made top secret superhero gadgets with boxes, tubes, string and tape! We made cameras to keep watch on villians, jet packs and lots more!!

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Science Investigation Day

What an action packed day we have had! We have had a go at walking on eggs without cracking them!! We held bags of water over each other and when we put pencils through the bag it didn’t leak!! We made string telephones, lava lamps and our own butter!

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