Category: Year 2

Andy Goldsworthy

We have had such a lovely afternoon learning about the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy. We learnt that he uses natural materials to make sculptures and pieces of art. We went outside to find our own natural treasures and came back to the classroom to make our own sculpture. We had ladybird sculptures, blue whales, snails and more…!

Year 2 on Safari

Year 2 headed to the wildlife garden to see what wildlife we could find. Armed with magnifying glasses, nets and pooters we found a whole host of tiny creatures including beetles, spiders, flies, ants, woodlice, centipedes, millipedes, watersnails, pond skaters, moths, tadpoles and a young newt.

How Big is a Blue Whale?

2MG have been researching Blue Whales so we decided to go out and measure one out. The whale was so big that we had to go on the KS2 playground and it only just fit! It was even bigger than the HMS Beagle that we measured out earlier in the year. We stretched out our arms to make a line and the whole class comfortably fit inside this enormous animal.

Amazing Effort in Maths – Olivia

Look at Olivia’s hard work to find the answers to these maths sums. She put in lots of effort and persevered when she found it difficult. Well done Olivia, I am proud of your efforts. Miss Salisbury

Botanical Survey

Years 2 and 3 have been surveying the school field and discovered that there is a lot more than just grass out there. Of course there are daisies and dandelions and but we also found white clover, buttercup, speedwell, chickweed, thistle, cranesbill, greater plantain and common vetch. What a fantastic ecosystem our field actually is when you look closely!

Exploring Microscopes

Year 2 having been exploring how to use a microscope today. We looked at some everyday items such as coins and newspaper while we got used to positioning and focussing on our Petri dishes before getting to look at some more exciting things such as dead insects, sand grains and Dr Fishwick’s tie. We found the beautiful grains of sugar particularly fascinating as they looked like “huge blocks of sparkling ice”. 

We will be using the microscopes again, as part of our plants topic, in order at look closely at seeds, leaves, flowers and stems.

Plant Invasion!

Strange yellow containers of a brown, powdery material have been appearing on window sills throughout the school. It can only mean one thing… summer is finally here and everyone has started growing seeds! In Years 1 and 2, along with Language Base 1, the children have planted marigolds while LB1 have also planted sunflowers along with Language Base 2 and Year 3. We hope to plant these outside later in the year and we chose both flowers as they are beneficial to wildlife, providing nectar for butterflies and bees and a source of seeds for birds in the autumn.

WOW writing

WOW WOW what a super effort we are all trying with our handwriting lately. Look how well we have done editing and redrafting our sets of instructions. We focused on using a range of interesting sentences, double checking our spellings using our common exception word mats and making sure our letters were all the same size!

First draft…

Final draft…

First draft…

Final draft…

First draft…

Final draft…


Easter egg hunt

This afternoon we went out onto the playground to hunt for our missing eggs we made yesterday afternoon! We all managed to find ours and when we got back the Easter bunny had delivered us a chocolate treat! 

Singing Club

In assembly Key Stage 1 were treated to Singing Club performing a selection of songs. It was enjoyed by everyone.