Category: Year 3

Lights, cameras, action!

Year 3 have been investigating how photography works by building pinhole cameras. We soon found out that the image was upside down! We went out to view the school through our cameras and then we watched some light sensitive paper change colour to record an image.

Home Learning

Home Learning Journals Introductory task 07.09.18

Maths Week

3HC and 3LE have had an enjoyable mathematical week!

Year 3 produced Fibonacci Art. We discussed the mathematics of the pattern and the children made predictions. Next, we used compasses and measures (centimetres) to produce circles of different sizes. 

3HC  created a price list for the Summer Festival stall  and solved challenging mathematical problems related to predicted profits potentially made on Saturday. 3LE created a Fibonacci Poem as a class.


Plant Parts

We spent the afternoon exploring the different parts of plants, from root to leaf via stems, under the microscopes. We examined different seeds, including seeing how dandelion seeds fly, and the fruits that surround them. We looked at the hairs on leaves which perform different functions such as protecting furry leaves from strong sunlight, injecting poison in nettles and clinging on to clothes and fur in goose grass. Did you know the flower head of a daisy is actually lots of tiny yellow flowers surrounded by white flowers? We also studied mosses and ferns and different types of soil.

Botanical Survey

Years 2 and 3 have been surveying the school field and discovered that there is a lot more than just grass out there. Of course there are daisies and dandelions and but we also found white clover, buttercup, speedwell, chickweed, thistle, cranesbill, greater plantain and common vetch. What a fantastic ecosystem our field actually is when you look closely!

3HC’S World War 2 Assembly

Plant Invasion!

Strange yellow containers of a brown, powdery material have been appearing on window sills throughout the school. It can only mean one thing… summer is finally here and everyone has started growing seeds! In Years 1 and 2, along with Language Base 1, the children have planted marigolds while LB1 have also planted sunflowers along with Language Base 2 and Year 3. We hope to plant these outside later in the year and we chose both flowers as they are beneficial to wildlife, providing nectar for butterflies and bees and a source of seeds for birds in the autumn.

Fossil Dig

After finding out about fossil hunter Mary Anning, Year 3 spent the afternoon excavating for fossils. We had lots of fun carefully and patiently scraping away the rock to reveal the fossil hidden inside. Afterwards, we measured some dinosaur footprints and used this measurement to estimate the size of the dinosaur that made them.

World Book Day 3HC

Superb Science Book Ideas

This month at Lickey, we are lucky enough to have two exciting theme days – Reading and Science. Here are some excellent book ideas to engage your child in both of these exciting subjects.


Human Body Odyssey

In this book, Astro Cat adventures into the Human Body. On each page he explains how a different bodily system works.

by: Dr Dominic Wallman and Ben Newman


Wild World

Wild World uses poetry to describe habitats that children might find exotic.

by: Angela McAllister


Destination: Planet Earth

This book will tell you all about Earth Science – perfect for our topics on volcanoes and the active planet!

by: Jo Nelson and Tom Clohosy Cole.


Outdoor Maker Lab

A book filled with lots of experiments to complete with household items. Perfect for any budding chemist.

by: Robert Winston


How Science Works

For Year 6+, this book explains how many different aspects of Science work for the older reader and adults.

We hope you enjoy these suggestions.