Category: Year 3

Year 3’s Egyptian Trip: Museum and Art Gallery

The children of year 3,  had a really fun day learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They explored the galleries, then they participated in a very engaging Workshop. There was lots of discussion and retrieving of information using real pieces of art. After,they designed and created their own Egyptian art pieces using real papyrus and mineral paints. In the afternoon, they came “Investigators” and found answers using the artifacts in the museum.

The children were well behaved and really enjoyed themselves, as you can see from the photos. 

Rocking Year 3

We’ve beeen comparing different rocks and sorting them based on hardness. We rubbed them together to find out which was softest. We found that sedimentary rocks such as chalk and limestone tend to be softer, in fact that’s why chalk is so good for writing with.

School of Rock(s)

This week we started our new topic all about rocks. We learned about the stories of some rocks (millions of dead sea creatures, a 370 million year old desert, an explosive volcanic eruption) before examining samples closely with magnifying glasses. We made sketches to record the details before finally testing the permeability of various rocks – whether water will soak through them.


We celebrated Diwali before half term. We read and discussed the story of Rama and Sita and how the festival of light was created. The diva lamps represent good over evil. We then created and painted our own clay diva lamps.

Place Value Fun- Miss Edwards’ maths group

This week we have been furthering our understanding of place value. We have really enjoyed playing different games and using support resources to help us learn about place value in several different ways.

Before half term we learnt about the properties of 2D shapes and had to sort lots of 2d shapes based on these properties.maths

Changing Shadows

In science we’ve been looking at how shadows change during the day. We started by drawing around our shadows on the playground before and after lunch to make a simple sundial. We then used the sun equipment to see how a shadow shortens then grows longer throughout an entire day.

Homelearning is History!

This week Harrison (Year 3) decided to do his homelearning as a news reporter. Dressed as a journalist and reading from his script Harrison shared the news of the Ancient Egyptian treasure. The photograph shows a screenshot from the video of the mummy covered in ancient treasures. What a creative way to share your learning Harrison!  


Otis brought his microscope into school and showed the class. He found flower parts and put them into slides. He showed people what is inside the flower.IMG_2575[1] IMG_2576[1]

Geography Ideas from Miss Boyer

I have discovered a scheme that Sainsburys are currently running, which will support learning in Geography. Cards are given to you each time you shop and there is a collection book, which has many interesting facts. What great alternative to football/Pokemon collection cards!

Parts of a Flower

We have been taking a close look at flowering plants to learn the names and jobs of the parts of a flower. We had some excellent ideas about what each part could be for and we thought of many questions too! Super Science skills!

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