Category: Year 3

World Book Day in Year Three

To celebrate World Book Day in Year Three, we have been taking part in lots of fun activities! We played Who Am I? with book characters, we took part in a book scavenger hunt and we even read books written in French! Tres bon! 

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Great Grammar!

We have been writing sentences with adverbs and prepositions, conjunctions and contractions. We can remember what these words mean!

Performance Poetry

Today we have been creating our own versions of Michael Rosen’s Chocolate Cake.

We tried to use expression and facial expressions and the volume in our performance like Michael Rosen. We watched the chocolate video by Michael Rosen in between our practice and it gave us a lot of inspiration on how to do this interesting task.

Have a look at one of our performances using the link below…


Roman Invasion!


At the end of the Iron Age, the Romans invaded Britain! We have been learning to use Roman numerals in maths. 


Stone Age Pots

We have designed and made our very own Stone Age water carrier pots! We used clay, just like Stone Age people. 

Money, Money, Money…


In Miss Boyer’s Maths group we have been practising adding money and giving change.

Literacy Learning Next Week

Next week we will be starting a topic on Stories by the Same Author. Our chosen author is Satoshi Kitamura. To find out more about this great author and illustrator, have a little look at this link!

Happy reading from Miss Boyer

Fractions Fun!

Today in Miss Boyer’s maths group we have been finding fractions of numbers! Isn’t that great? We used smarties and marshmallows to help us understand…


Today year 5 and 3 have been to the Christingle.Emma from the church explained why Christians have the Christingle.The orange represents the world,the candle represents the light,the foil represents the star,the 4 cocktail sticks represents the 4 seasons. By Ewan


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Home learning in 3RB

Today in 3RB we have been sharing our home learning with the whole class. There were some very fun and good looking homework in 3RB. There was a pyramid made of sugar cubes, a car race using magnets, and a pyramid that reveals a mummy. There was also a pyramid of money, a pyramid that reveals the land, and a pyramid full of sand.  By EB

