Category: Year 3

school firework posters


we used chalk to make firework posters with pictures in bubble writing. The words are Onomatopoeia!



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Puzzling Puzzles

We have been using our logical thinking in Miss Boyer’s maths group today! We found these puzzles very tricky, but we persevered to achieve! IMG_1653[1] IMG_1649[1]


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The great pharaoh Tutenapple must be prepared for the afterlife! We have washed his body and we have covered him in salt. After half term we will find out what this does to the pharaoh. Sid the Slave could not afford to be mummified… we will see what happens to the apple that is not mummified!

Wow! Amazing Home Learning!

Here are just a few examples of our excellent Home Learning! Very impressive!IMG_1629[1] IMG_1630[1] IMG_1633[1] IMG_1631[1] IMG_1635[1] IMG_1636[1] IMG_1637[1] IMG_1638[1]

We even had a yummy cake made by Toby! (Pictures to follow)

Building… suspense!

In literacy we did ACTION sentences!This is an example: Suddenly, a mummy scared me from the darkness! We also did suspense. Suspense is when you build excitement.

James and Archie


Freshly Baked…

Today we made cartouches out of salt dough! We are going to decorate these with our name in hieroglyphs!

So far in Year Three…

So far in Year Three we have:

  • Learnt to sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Spanish.
  • Investigated how a toy car travels on different surfaces.
  • Read all about Flat Stanley’s adventures in Ancient Egypt.
  • Written our own setting descriptions.
  • Designed Egyptian necklaces.

So much fun!

By 3RB


3D shapes

Today we have been drawing 3D shapes likes cubes. The vertices is 8 the face is 4 and the edges is 12.  We did different shapes like a cone and sphere, cylinder and a cube. The cube has 8 vertices and it has 6 faces and 12 edges. By LW

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Our First Week in Year Three!

Wow! What a great week! We have been exploring our new classrooms and learning all about how grown up we need to be in KS2. We have discovered many Ancient Egyptian replicas and we have been investigating what magnets can do! IMG_0300 IMG_0292  IMG_1545[1] IMG_1542[1]

Home Guard Talk

We were lucky to welcome David to Year Three yesterday! He taught us all about the home guard. Paddington even got to try out a baby’s gas mask!IMG_1383IMG_1401IMG_1410IMG_1412