Category: Year 4

A Day at the Gardens

To fit in with several of our topics, Year 4 went to Birmingham Botanical Gardens for the day. We had a tour of the tropical, sub-tropical, arid and Mediterranean glasshouses where we learned about the different places that useful plants actually come from, such as coffee, tea, rubber, cocoa and vanilla, as well as how they are adapted to survive where they live. For example, tropical plants have pointed, waxy leaves to help shed the heavy rainfall while Mediterranean leaves are soft and furry to protect them from the hot summer sun.


We also did a maths trail and explored the gardens including browsing the bamboo, rambling through the rock gardens and examining the exotic birds.

Year 4 had a fantastic day out and learnt lots too!

Triple Experiment

Not one experiment. Not two experiments. But three experiments this afternoon as we explored electricity. We investigated different light bulbs, the effect of changing the voltage and whether some metals were better conductors than other metals. I meant a busy afternoon of testing and learning.


Henri Matisse

We’ve been learning about Henri Matisse and how his art evolved from earlier artists before becoming one of the most original and influential artists of the 20th century. Matisse was influenced by the Mediterranean Sea and we recreated an early painting before exploring his use of paper cut-outs later in his life.

Open Window, Collioure (1905)

Icarus (1944)

Les Bêtes De La Mer (1950)

Hip to be Square

Day 3 of maths week found us looking at square numbers. We made them using peg boards, looked at the patterns of numbers involved and investigated what happens when we take numbers from square numbers.

Grid References

As part of maths week, and our geography theme, we’ve been looking at maps and how we can use maths to locate places on the map. We learned about Ordnance Survey map symbols before exploring 4- and 6-figure grid references.


World Book Day 2017

We had a fantastic World Book Day with lots of opportunities to read and discuss books. We found lots of books that we wouldn’t normally read and actually found they were really good and want to keep reading them!

We even did some World Book Day maths as we investigated the ISBN numbers that every book has – a real life use of mathematics to avoid computer errors.

Circuit Training

This week we started our new science topic: electricity! We’ve been investigating how to make electrical circuits and got to explore lights, motors and buzzers.

We found out lots of things such as bulbs get brighter, motors get faster and buzzers get louder (our favourite) if you connect more cells. Also, the motor changed direction if you change the wires over.

We even used different types of switches to make lighting circuits and door bells.


The Cave

Year 4’s classrooms became dark, eerie caves today as we used our senses to describe a cave setting. Here are just some of our amazing sentences:

Twisting, the cave disappeared into the darkness.

Huge, gleaming stalactites hung like daggers.

Wildly, the slippery dark tunnels twisted.

The damp, pebbly floor crunched eerily. 

The wind echoed like a groaning ghost.


4AB Joins the Turtle Party….

This week we have focused on the sea turtles in which the Mediterranean is their home. We researched and talked about the issues why the turtles are endangered. The reasons were very complex, from global warming to irresponsible fishing. We learnt a lot and then produced posters which are to inform people about the dangers facing the turtles and also aim to persuade people to stop doing the things which are harming these precious creatures. Here are our posters and the amazing, talented and inspiring children that made them. IMG_0552 IMG_0554 IMG_0560 IMG_0553 IMG_0559 IMG_0558 IMG_0557 IMG_0556 IMG_0561 IMG_0562 IMG_0566 IMG_0567 IMG_0568

A Tasteful Experiment

This week Year 4 have been investigating what happens when we eat. On Monday we did an experiment to find out if we are supertasters – people with more tastebuds who taste flavours more strongly. We all wanted to be supertasters but the downside is that supertasters are more fussy about what they eat – those sprouts taste really strong!

Then on Tuesday, we had an exciting live lesson with the BBC and other schools from all over the country. We learned lots of amazing things. Did you know that a blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant?