Category: Year 4

Turtle Power!

As part of our Mediterranean theme, Year 4 have been researching the dangers faced by sea turtles. Did you know that turtles mistake plastic carrier bags for jellyfish – one of their favourite foods! The things we do and choose to eat can have a huge impact on other creatures and so we made posters to spread he message.



As part of our Mediterranean theme, we’ve been learning about coasts. We found out that coastlines are not all beaches, there are cliffs, stacks, caves, and lots more features too. They don’t even stay the same because of erosion. In fact, we even found out that the Mediterranean once evaporated and turned into a desert!

Compass Skills

To practice measuring we’ve been learning how to use a compass to draw a circle. We learned about the radius and the diameter and how to set the compass to the correct radius. We then had fun drawing patterns using the compass.

Potions Class

Year 4 had potions class this week. We had lots of ingredients like gillyweed and dragon’s blood and had to read how much of each ingredient there was. We then had lots of problems to solve using the liquids. We had lots of fun and nobody had to be sent to Professor Dumbledore.

…I conquered!

Our Design Technology project is complete – unleash the catapults! We completed the final assembly of our Roman military engineering, getting to use the glue guns in the process.

Then battle lines were drawn. The mighty armies of Oak and Beech versus the ferocious hoard of Ash and Chestnut.

We called it a draw.

Sound Proofing

Having made lots of noise during our sound topic, this week we explored how we could stop noise as we investigated sound proofing. Using a sound meter on the iPads we tested a range of materials to see which was best at blocking sound.


I came, I sawed…

4RF have been very busy, carefully measuring and sawing up wood. They’re clearly building something but what? Watch this space to find out.

Julius Caesar (abridged version)

Well done 4RF on creating such a fantastic class assembly – you all looked so confident and acted your socks off! Give yourselves a pat on the back – you’ve “done” Shakespeare!

Caesar's Murder

4AB Decides…..

Today in 4AB we held our very own American Election during our PSHE lesson. We looked at both candidates history and their views on the key issues. We debated brilliantly together, with some very mature views on free healthcare for all and everyone’s right to a great education. Hillary Clinton defeated Donald with a landslide victory in our vote, let’s see what America decides….imageimageimageimageimage

Roman Engineering

4RF conducted an investigation this week to discover which shape column was the strongest. We tested cylinders, cuboids, triangular, pentagonal, hexagonal and octagonal prisms. Even though each column was made out of just a single piece of paper, the strongest held almost 3kg!

Which was the strongest? Well, let’s not spoil it for 4AB…
