Category: Year 6

Fractions posters

Today in maths we made fraction posters to show Our learning. These will go on our working wall to help us this year.



Through out the past week or two in literacy we have been planning our poetry. We have been looking at using figurative language in our writing. Including: hyperbole, oxymoron, simile, personification, metaphor and alliteration.


Electricity morning 

On Tuesday  the 2nd of February  Dr Watson came in to year 6 and thought us lots of electric experiments we all leant a lot of things.


6mt Home Learning

check out all our amazing home learning  


Fascinating Fossils 

Yesterday we learnt all about the life and work of Mary Anning. (Fossil Hunter) 

  Above are our fossils. Some cracked and some survived! We used magnet fossils to create the inprint of the fossils. The most popular fossil was the seashell. 

   Here is the life of a fossil!



Non-Chronological reports


Anti bulling week

we have been making posters for anti bullying week! 


Non chronoligical reports ???????????????????????????????

First fleet and gold rush ⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️?????????