Category: Year 6

Anti-bullying posters????


Bacteria investigation

Over the past week 6MT have been designing and carrying out our own experiments related to growing bacteria. Each group did a different investigation e.g. the amount of bacteria on different door handles, swabbing each other’s mouths or whether  a book or computer mouse has more bacteria. First we collected our equipment; a plastic cup, some Petri dishes filled with a agar, cotton buds and the objects we are taking the bacteria samples from. We filled the cups with water and dipped the cotton bud in; then we took a sample of our objects by wiping the wet cotton buds on them; after we transferred it onto the agar. Next, we sealed the Petri dishes with cellotape and added a label. Finally, we stored our experiment in a warm, dark box for 6 days. Check out our results….. 

Thanks from Tara and Liv


Home Learning

Check out all our amazing Home Learning so far… 



We have been drawing the Great Barrier reef for our topic Australia!

They look amazing:

Our awesome art!!!!! 

Our art is amazing! We recreated the aboriginal art using cotton buds. We designed it,then created it on a black card using bright colours. We could have done any animal we wanted that was Australian!!  



Please ask the year 6 team or look at the web for more info on the new home learning journals.

Thanks the year 6 teamxxxx

Marvelous Maths!!!!!!!!!!!

IMG_0023IMG_0024This is just a few of IMG_0022the phenomenal maths cross puzzles!!!!!!

Aboriginal art

  Look at the art work!!!!!!!



Aboriginal Art!!!!!

In art we have been looking at the Australian Aboriginal art work this week, as we are learning about Australia. We planned the art work using markers and then got artistic using paints! They look fantastic especially as we used  cotton buds. Please take the time to have a look, as we have taken a long time to get them perfect.

SPAG!! Today we explored conjunctions!