Home Learning


Please find information on each class page for your child to complete in their home learning books. There are a range of tasks and activities which we hope will suit everyone including some physical activity. We encourage you to ensure your children at least keep up with their reading, spelling and maths and hope you enjoy the research projects, which we look forward to seeing when everything is back to normal.

We are now aware that phonics, Y2 and Y6 SATS tests and the Y4 timetables are not likely to go ahead. However, we ask that our children continue their hard work and efforts at home to prepare for transition to high school and new year groups and further develop their educational development.

School to home contact via Parentmail – we will continue to communicate through our parentmail app. Please ensure you read all communication sent by the school as this will be our primary communication link with you.

Office@ email account – this will operate as usual so you are able to contact school should you need to. (Note: messages will not necessarily be accessed and responded to after 6.00pm and before 7.30am or at weekends, this is for the health and wellbeing of staff)

Thank you for your support and encouragement during this unusual time. I do hope all our families stay safe and happy.

Miss A.L. Salisbury
