KS1 Language Base

Welcome to LB1

Dr Fishwick and Miss McAndrew     


Welcome to the LB1 web page. 

On this page you can find:

- Class information;                                                                                  

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our topics; 

- Information about SaLT (Miss Morris)



Within Lickey Hills Language Base, each curriculum area is adapted to the needs of the current cohort of pupils. This creates a flexible and bespoke curriculum which changes annually. Additionally, many Language Base pupils access mainstream classes for some areas of the curriculum. Please visit the appropriate mainstream Year Group pages for Maths overviews, for other subjects we will be following the Year 2 topics this year, adapted as appropriate to the children's needs and ages and summarised below. 

Reception                    Year 1                    Year 2


Our main English text for the remainder of the Summer Term will be 'The Lonely Beast' by Chris Judge, a tale of one creature's determination to overcome his loneliness by undertaking a dangerous quest to find others like him. In Science we continue to explore the natural world focussing on the animals found in our local environment. We'll also be looking at the Geography of the coastal town of Weston-super-Mare and looking at the similarities and difference with our local area.  LB1 will be joining our mainstream classes for Design and Technology so the Year 1s will be exploring structures and the Year 2s working with textiles whilst the Reception children explore different art media. We'll also be furthering our understanding of programming in Computing.


All pupils in LB 1 have a communication folder which holds their reading diary, weekly reading books, maths home learning book (Y1 and Y2 only), spelling practice book (Y1 and Y2 only) and a communication book. Please return the communication folder to school each morning.  

Spellings will posted on Monday evening to practice at home before a 'spelling quiz' on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths fluency questions are likewise set on Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home.


Please make sure you have your PE or Forest School kits in school for our outdoor and sporting activities. Forest School and indoor PE alternate on a Monday when LB1 will join 1MK - please see this calendar to identify whether your child's class is doing PE or Forest School each week. Outdoor PE is on a Thursday afternoon and you may wish your child to have a tracksuit for the day. Please send your child to school in their kit on their PE / Forest School day. More information about Forest School can be found on our curriculum web page. Please make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on PE days.

                      Monday - Forest School or Indoor PE 

                      Thursday - Outdoor PE 


Miss Morris (NHS Speech and Language Therapist) will be in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She will work with individual pupils and lead both small group and whole group sessions. Miss Morris will also work alongside mainstream staff to support pupil integration into their respective mainstream classes and generalise their speech, language and communication skills. Further specific Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) support will be delivered by Miss McAndrew (Speech, Language and Communication Needs Teaching Assistant) throughout each week, organised by Miss Morris.

If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school at office@lickeyhills.worcs.sch.uk


  • Address

    Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery
    Old Birmingham Road, Lickey
    Worcestershire B45 8EU.


    School is open 8:50am – 3:20pm.


    The Hive before and after school club 7:30am – 8:50am and 3:20pm –  6:00pm.


    Office opening hours 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
