Year 6

Welcome to Y6

Miss Williams, Miss Smith and Mr Holloway


Welcome to the Year 6 web page. In 6AS you will find Miss Smith and in 6CW you will find Miss Williams. Also helping the children, you will find the wonderful Mr Holloway. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school.

For SATs in May this year we provided resources for pupils and delivered a presentation to parents to help all to prepare. Relevant information and useful revision activities provided are on our dedicated SATs resources page. Here is a link to the presentation given: Year 6 SATS Presentation May 2024 

On this page you can find:

- Class information including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topic.

    Click on our logo to find out about our Year  6 Curriculum.

For the Summer 2 term, we will be continuing our history topic of 'Votes for Women', and starting our Geography topic of 'Economic Trade'. In DT, the children will be exploring cooking and nutrition, with the overall project of designing and making vegetable pizzas. In P.E. the children will be doing athletics, ready for our Sports Day which will be taking place later this half term. In computing, the children will be exploring 3D media by creating their own 3D models on Chromebooks. Finally, in music, the children will be practising and rehearsing songs for our end of year production: The Lion King! Performances will take place on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July so please come and watch! Tickets can be purchased via the office nearer the time. 


Spellings will be sent out on Mondays to practice at home before the tests on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths home learning is set on a Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home.

Year 6 have PE on Thursday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their kit on their PE day.

If there are any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the office@ email address and we will be more than happy to help in any way.


  • Address

    Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery
    Old Birmingham Road, Lickey
    Worcestershire B45 8EU.


    School is open 8:50am – 3:20pm.


    The Hive before and after school club 7:30am – 8:50am and 3:20pm –  6:00pm.


    Office opening hours 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
