Month: February 2016

Exploring Fractions

This week we’ve been learning about fractions. On Wednesday we were given a collection of objects which we had to find three-quarters of. The four counters and the square of paper were simple enough but then we had to start to think… Surely Dr Fishwick didn’t expect us to cut up a 20p piece?   We found lots of different ways of making three-quarters, sometimes we even had different ways of dividing up the same objects.

Attendance and House Point Awards

Whole school attendance 

w/c 12/9/16 – 98.2% 

House Point Winners

w/c 5/12/16 Ash 

w/c 12/9/16 Chestnut 

Bug Hotel Now Taking Reservations

4RF had a fantastic time this morning building a minibeast hotel. We used some old fencing panel along with sawn-up branches, pine cones, leaves, sticks and the hollow stems of cow parsley that we had collected from around the school field to produce a range of habitats for beetles, bugs and woodlice. We can’t wait to see what guests come to stay later in the year.

Garden Designers

As part of Eco week, we’ve been designing gardens to encourage wildlife around the school. We learned about how bees are important and researched lots of ideas which would help bees and other wildlife. We then looked at the school garden and thought about how we could include these ideas. Finally, we produced our garden designs using our fantastic new watercolour paints (thank you PTA!)



This afternoon we became paleontologists unearthing dinosaur fossils!!! We hunted in the sand for some and then had a go at drawing them. Then we used toothpicks to unearth chocolate chips from cookies. We also had a go at sorting dinosaurs into categories in teams.SAMPLED_5941074_900_540___ SAMPLED_5941076_900_540___ SAMPLED_5941085_900_540___ SAMPLED_5941088_900_540___ SAMPLED_5941089_900_540___ SAMPLED_5941091_900_540___

2D and 3D shapes

In Maths today we made some 2D and 3D shapes out of sticks and blutac. This helped us to work out how many sides, edges and corners the shapes had. We made pyramids, cubes, squares, triangles and lots more!
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We have really enjoyed learning all about Winter and have braved the cold to go on a winter walk to notice the different signs of Winter. We even managed to experience a splattering of snow which we enjoyed exploring inside too and watching what happens to it. We have made a lovely Wintery display practising different techniques like ripping and cutting and our penguins and snowmen in the corridor look amazing.


Tree planting in Lickey woods

img_0138   On Wedsnesday 3rd February we joined year 4 to plant 1000 new trees in the Lickey woods. We worked with ‘Birmingham trees for life’ and the Lickey Rangers. We walked to the Lickey hills, it was muddy! We got shown how to use a spade properly and they showed us how to plant and protect the baby trees. Jay, Luke, Lucas and Ali worked as a team to plant 12 new hazel trees. It was lovely to be outside and doing something good for the environment.

Eco Week

Today as part of eco week we have been learning about the bee’s waggle dance which tells the other bees where the plants are.

We have been designing bee friendly gardens, learning what flowers bees like best and we have learnt how to draw a bee.

We have also been going outside and planting bee friendly flowers.



Eco week

In 2LW this week we are learning about bees as part of eco week.

Yesterday  we did the waggle dance .The bees do the waggle dance to tell the other bees where  the food is.

Today we have been getting the flower bed  ready to put in some bee friendly flowers. We have been designing a bee garden and found out about the bee life cycle.

By Archie and Eva.




Busy bees working


And afterwards!