Year 1

Miss Bate and Mrs Whittaker

Mrs Smith

Welcome to the Year 1 web page. You will find Mrs Whittaker in 1SW and Miss Bate in 1HB, with the wonderful Mrs Smith helping our fantastic children across both classes. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch.

On this page you can find:

- Class information, including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topic.

A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Year 1 Curriculum.

In Summer 2 in Geography, we will be exploring the features of a farm and we will consider why they are important.  Children will learn to use a map and symbols, along with a compass to navigate around farms.  

In English we will be reading an information text all about lions in the African Savannah.  The children will use their computer skills to research lions and then write their own fact file full of fascinating information.

In other curriculum areas we are comparing the mass and the capacity of objects in Maths;  in D.T we will explore the features of stable structures before designing and making our own, and in Science we will be identifying and naming a variety of animals and comparing the characteristics of reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and mammals, including what they eat!  This information will be very useful on our trip to the safari park later this half term.  In P.E. we will be developing our athletic skills of running and throwing in preparation for sports day.

Spellings will posted on Monday evening to practice at home before a 'spelling quiz' on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths Home Learning is set on Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home.

Please make sure you have your PE or Forest School kits in school for our outdoor and sporting activities: 1MK have outdoor PE on Thursday; 1HB on Friday. Forest School and PE alternate on a Monday - please see this calendar to identify whether your child's class is doing PE or Forest School each week. Please send your child to school in their kit on their PE/Forest School day - all PE lessons will be outdoors (weather permitting) and you may wish to consider your child having a tracksuit for the day. More information about Forest School can be found on our curriculum web page. Please make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on PE days.