Year 1
Miss Bate and Mrs Whittaker
Mrs Smith
Welcome to the Year 1 web page. You will find Miss Bate in 1HB and Mrs Whittaker in 1SW, with the wonderful Mrs Smith helping our fantastic children across both classes. If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
On this page you can find:
- Class information, including spellings and home learning;
- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topic.
Click on our logo to find out about our Year 1 Curriculum.
In Unit 4 in English we will continue to explore the text ‘Lila and the secret of rain’ by David Conway and Jude Daly. We will use this text to support us to retell a story, to create our own narrative and to write a non-chronological report about Kenya. We will also be introduced to a text called ‘Rapunzel’ by Bethan Woolvin. This is a fabulous text that retells ta take on the traditional fairytale but not as we all know it. We will explore the features of a traditional fairytale and identify why this text is not one. We will also use expanded noun-phrases to write character descriptions.
In Maths we will focus on numbers to 100. We will deepen our understanding of place value, number bonds, addition and subtraction and number stories within 100. We will continue to use concrete resources, such as tens frames, number lines and base ten to support our understanding and to explain our reasoning. We will also begin to explore halves and quarters and how we find halves and quarters of a shape and a number.
In Geography, we will be taking a virtual trip to Costa Rica as we compare the similarities and differences between Costa Rica vs Lickey Hills. We will identify the features of both places and we will discuss whether these are human or physical features. We will also explore the land use of Costa Rica compared to Lickey Hills.
In other curriculum areas, we will discuss cooking and nutrition and take part in a cookery workshop in DT; in Computing we will use the laptops to explore digital printing; we will discuss what it means to be healthy in PSHE, and in Science we will be identifying plants, the features of a plant and which parts of plants we can eat. As well as all of this, we will also participate in Music, RE and PE lessons across the half term.
Spellings will be posted on Monday evening to practise at home before a 'spelling quiz' on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths Home Learning is set on Wednesday and due back the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home, ensuring this is logged in their reading diaries.
Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE Kit for our outdoor and sporting activities: Year 1 have PE on Monday and Tuesday afternoon. All PE lessons will be outdoors (weather permitting) and you may wish to consider your child having a navy tracksuit for the day. Please also make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on PE days.