
‘A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.’ –  Marcus Garvey

Our History Curriculum can be found by clicking on this logo:

Your child’s class teacher will be able to answer any questions about your child’s history learning. You can also speak to our History Leader at LHPSN, Miss Smith.


At Lickey Hills we believe passionately about providing our children with a high quality history education that ensures they develop the skills and knowledge to understand Britain’s past, and the past of the wider world. We aim to inspire our pupils’ intellectual curiosity to learn about the history of the world and to understand how the world has changed over time. We want our children to deeply understand what it means to be a historian, developing their ability to understand, interpret and question the world around them. Through a coherent, chronological curriculum and the use of high quality primary and secondary sources, children are able to develop their historical skills, whilst cultivating their curiosity and desire to learn about the past. 


At LHPSN, our curriculum is underpinned by four ‘Golden Threads’ which weave through our school’s history programme, these are: Legacy; Global Citizenship; Childhood, Family & Home; and Knowledge. Each history unit has a focus of one or two of these Golden threads which gives a clear direction for the historical knowledge being taught. Additionally, our History teaching is centred on an enquiry based approach, placing a high importance on the teaching of both substantive and disciplinary knowledge, which the children will build upon systematically as they progress through school. 

EYFS and KS1 will learn about their place in the world around them, and the significant people/events in recent history. Continuing into KS2, the children then begin a chronological journey through time. LKS2 will learn about significant historical periods/groups of people within history, starting with the Stone Age – Iron Age. They will then progress on to more thematic historical topics in UKS2 such as Votes for Women. By learning History sequentially, the children will understand how past events can impact upon future events and how we have evolved and changed over time. The coherent learning journey for pupils will also provide them with a deeper chronological understanding of the world around them, and the ability to make comparisons, contrasts and connections between periods of study throughout history. Both KS1 and KS2 have a local history unit, showing the children how the past has shaped their lives, the local area, and wider society. 


Our children will have the confidence and the knowledge to be able to understand, interpret and discuss the past, making links between periods of history. They will be able to apply their critical thinking skills to question and challenge the world around them, and will be able to use their historical vocabulary when talking about periods of history. As historians, they will have a curiosity to find out about the past, and will understand the responsibility we have as global citizens to shape and impact the world around us. 

Curriculum Corner

To gain an insight into History in action, take a look at our Curriculum Corner articles for this wonderful subject – our recent Spring article: History Curriculum Corner 2024 and the article from last academic year by clicking this link: History Curriculum Corner 2023.

Useful Websites

To support your children’s learning at home, you may find these websites useful:

History for Kids 

Historical Association

Victoria and Albert Museum

Horrible Histories

Please note LHPSN is not responsible for the content of external sites.