Year 5

Class Teachers: Miss Williams and Miss Moore

Teaching Assistants: Mrs George and Miss Hughes 

Welcome to the Year 5 webpage. In 5CW you will find Miss Williams and in 5HM you will find Miss Moore. Helping children across both classes, you will find the wonderful Mrs George and Miss Hughes. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school. 

On this page you can find:

- Class information including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topics.

A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Year 5 Curriculum.

In Autumn Term 2, we will be reading ‘Beowulf' by Kevin Crossley-Holland. The children will be focusing on writing to entertain by creating rich character descriptions and Anglo-Saxon style Kennings. 

Our topics in Maths are: Multiplication, division, prime numbers, composite numbers, square and cube numbers.

In computing, the children will be using physical computing kits named 'Crumbles'. The Crumbles are then connected via Crumble software to be programmed. 

Our topic in Geography is 'Cartographers - What Can I find on Earth?'

In D.T. the children will be learning about different herbs and spices and the importance of these as we begin to explore Ginger - In preparation of our final product - a gingerbread person!

We are also fortunate to have Forest School embedded into our curriculum this year, children will learn practical, transferable skills and get to enjoy time working with others outside of the classroom. 

Important information:

Spellings will be sent out on Mondays to practise at home before the test on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths home learning is set on Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home and have their reading record filled in and signed at least once a week. We also encourage regular practise of times tables using Times Tables Rockstars (See link below): 

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars

Please make sure you have your PE kits in school for our sporting activities: both classes have lessons on Monday and Thursday. Please send your child to school in their kit on their PE day, and make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on these days. 

We look forward to working with you and your children throughout this school year. 

Year 5 Medium Term Plan - Unit 2

​5CW Timetable

5HM Timetable

Year 5 Reading Workshop Slides

Year 5 Writing Workshop Slides

Autumn 2 Spellings