Year 5

Miss Williams and Miss Moore

Mrs George and Miss Hughes


Welcome to the Year 5 web page. In 5CW you will find Miss Williams and in 5HM you will find Miss Moore. Helping children across both classes, you will find the wonderful Mrs George and Miss Hughes. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school. 

On this page you can find:

- Class information including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topics.

A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Year 5 Curriculum.

In Summer term 2, we will be finishing off Goodnight Mister Tom! Year 5 will be having debates within class as to whether they believe 'William Beech should return to his mother in London or Stay with Mister Tom?' They will then be writing balanced arguments giving reasons for and against.  We will also be starting 'The Eye of the Wolf' by Daniel Pennac.

Our topics in Maths are: Measurement, Area, Perimeter, Volume and Roman Numerals. The children will have access to practical equipment to use in these lessons where needed, in preparation for transition to Year 6!

It’s all programming in Computing.  We will be finishing our topic using selection in Quizzes.  The children will design a quiz and implement this as a program using Scratch. We will then be moving on to Vector Drawing  - Children will know how to create images in a drawing program by using layers and groups of objects.

Our topic in Geography is 'Living in a sustainable world', we will be having an external, interactive workshop in school to work with the children. We will also be conducting fieldwork and hope to visit Lickey Hills to carry out some map/survey work. 

In D.T. we will be looking at different frame structures, we will then be planning and building our own frame structures to create a bird hide. We have many other interesting curriculum topics this half-term such as Athletics and Tennis in P.E. In R.E. we will be learning about Christianity. Specifically, 'What matters most to humanists and Christians?' 

Important information:

Spellings will be sent out on Mondays to practice at home before the tests on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths home learning is set on Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home and have their reading record filled in and signed once a week.

Please make sure you have your PE kits in school for our sporting activities: 5JL have lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5HM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please send your child to school in their kit on their PE day, and make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on these days.