

‘Every human is an artist.’ – Don Miguel Ruiz

Our Art Curriculum can be found by clicking on this logo:

 A logo

Your child’s class teacher will be able to answer any questions about your child’s art learning. You can also speak to our Art Leader at LHPSN, Miss Bate.

At Lickey Hills, we share the statements from the National Curriculum in believing that art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. Therefore our art and design education aims to engage, inspire and challenge our pupils, by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

The 3 I’s – Intent, Implementation and Impact


We intend for our children to understand how art reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation as well as other countries around the world. Our children will learn about great artists, craft makers and designers whose work falls into these skills, where we aim for our children to understand the historical and cultural legacy of their art forms. The artists that we study have been carefully selected to ensure our children study a diverse range of artists from around the world. We aim to engage, inspire and challenge our pupils, by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design, allowing them to embody some of the highest forms of human creativity.


Through the implementation of our Golden Threads that weave through our school’s curriculum, our children will go on a journey through different periods of art and will develop knowledge of different historical and cultural traditions. Children will begin their art journey in 30,000BC in Nursery focusing on cave paintings which were developed during the paleolithic period and will continue their journey all the way up to Year 6, exploring and discovering a range of periods such as 17th Century Realism, 19th Century Impressionism all the way up to 21st Century Contemporary art. Through their journey children will be introduced to and get to know a range of artists and their art styles and will use this information to inspire them to create their own works of art. Children will experiment and develop their drawing, painting and mixed media skills and will practise a range of artistic techniques. We will focus on self-portraits, observational drawing and landscape art as well as a range of sculptural and textile techniques such as embroidery, tie dye, batik and screen printing.


Our children will feel confident and comfortable to discuss different periods of art, artistic styles and historical and cultural traditions shown throughout famous works of art. Children will feel inspired by this and will relish on the opportunity to express their own creativity. After having opportunities to explore and practise a range of art skills, children will confidently discuss these using a wide and extensive range of artistic vocabulary. This artistic vocabulary will also be used to self-evaluate and peer evaluate different works of art. Children will be able to identify areas of improvement in their own works, giving reason and stating why some things could be adapted and modified in order to produce a piece of art to the highest forms of their creativity.


Curriculum Corner

To gain an insight into Art in action, take a look at our Curriculum Corner articles, most recently in Spring: Art Curriculum Corner 2024 and from last academic year by clicking this link: Art Curriculum Corner 2023.

Useful Websites

The Department for Education recently published an interesting article about art, and how it should command in important place in every school. The recommendations within align perfectly with LHPSN’s approach. You can read it here:

To support your children’s learning at home, you may find these websites useful:


BBC Bitesize KS1

BBC Bitesize KS2

Land Art for Kids

Primary Art

Please note LHPSN is not responsible for the content of external sites.