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Pupil Premium Information
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current inequalities by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the students who need it most.
The funding for each school is based upon the number of children who:
- Are eligible for Free School Meals ( or have been eligible in the past six years)
- Are Looked after Children ( in the care of the local Authority)
- Are children of services families
LHPSN recognises that not all pupils who are eligible for pupil premium are underachieving, while some pupils may be underachieving and not eligible for pupil premium funding. It is school policy to plan, adapt and prepare for any individual, or group, in which any area of under-performance is evident. LHPSN does not use this policy to displace current strategies to intervene and support its pupils. Some pupils may be achieving well, but will be entitled to funding to enhance their future educational aspirations and achievements
At LHPSN we use the Pupil Premium to improve educational standards, support aspiration and narrow the gap in attainment between the advantaged and the disadvantaged in our community. If you think that your child may be eligible for Free School Meals (even if you prefer them to bring sandwiches) please claim your entitlement . This entitlement will be confidential and your child will not be identified or discriminated against in any way.
You can easily check your eligibility using the online checker here: website
If this shows you are eligible you can then apply on the Worcestershire County Council website here.
Our Aims
To provide all pupils with fair and equal opportunities to achieve and excel in all areas of the curriculum; using and applying the most effective pedagogy, supported by use of additional, delegated funding.
To work in partnership with families and pupils eligible for pupil premium, to plan, monitor and evaluate support and intervention in order to secure individual progress and achievement.
To work with external partners and organisations to provide additional support for the social, emotional, health and well being of all pupils with potential barriers to learning and achievement.
To ensure governors fulfil statutory responsibilities to make effective use of pupil premium funds in order to impact positively on pupils’ achievement and attainment.
LHPSN Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025
LHPSN Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 - 2024
LHPSN Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 - 2023
Pupil premium funding is primarily used to employ two full time pastoral support assistants:
- Mrs Lewis (nee Pennant)
- Miss Lynch.
This role supports teachers in ensuring pupil premium children achieve as well as their peers by providing social and emotional support as well as learning support. Pupil Premium money also funds school visits and residentials to ensure inclusion for all pupils .
The school will measure the impact and effect of its expenditure by monitoring disadvantaged pupil take up of music tuition and extracurricular activities and ensuring the proportion of disadvantaged pupils attain at least equal to other pupils in reading,writing and maths.
What is a Pastoral Support Assistant? Our pastoral support assistants work with children, parents, carers, teachers and other agencies on a range of issues that may prevent a child from reaching their full potential. They are not teachers or teaching assistants, but work alongside all school staff to support children and parents and ensure everyone is supported and encouraged to do the best they can whatever their circumstances.
What issues do they help with? The role of a pastoral support assistant is to be part of a child’s support network at school, helping with:
- Improving punctuality and attendance
- Changes in behaviour that may impact on achievement and learning
- Difficulties developing and maintaining friendships
- Changes to home life and/or family problems
- Increasing self esteem and confidence
- Children having difficulty with work and feeling they are falling behind
- Children new to the school who need help settling in
- Children in Y6 worried about the transition to High School
- Bereavement support for parents and children
At Lickey Hills Primary and Nursery School we are totally committed to ensuring that provision is made which maximises learning opportunities for all of our children and their individual needs.Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are concerned about anything regarding your child’s emotional health and well being.