Year 2

Dr. Kirby and Miss Stanley

Mrs Crompton


Welcome to the Year 2 web page. You will find Dr Kirby in 2MK and Miss Stanley in 2JS with Mrs Crompton working across both rooms, along with all of our wonderful Year 2 children. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school.

On this page you can find:

- Class information including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topic.

A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Year 2 Curriculum

KS1 SATs 2024 Information:

Please find the slides for our recent presentation on the KS1 SATs process here.

Year 2 Learning in Autumn Unit 2

For Autumn Unit 2, we are going on an exciting journey through different subjects, starting with a wonderful text in English. We’ll be diving deeper into The Dark by Lemony Snicket and will be writing letters and instructions on how to make a glow jar. In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, developing our understanding of these important operations.
In Geography, we will be studying Our Wonderful World, learning about different continents and considering the question - which continent would I like to live in? In Science, we’ll be setting sail on the Voyage of the Beagle with Charles Darwin, studying the characteristics of living things, different habitats, and the needs of animals for survival.
In DT, we will be getting hands-on in the 'kitchen', learning to cook and prepare vegetables safely while following good hygiene practices. In PE, we will be developing our net and wall games skills, as well as getting creative with dance.
In RE, we’ll be learning about Islam and exploring what it means to be Muslim. In Computing, we’ll be exploring creating media through the use of digital photography.
Finally, in PSHE, we will be focusing on celebrating differences, learning about assumptions, stereotypes, and bullying, and understanding how we can create an inclusive and respectful environment.

We’re looking forward to all the exciting learning and adventures ahead!

Spellings will be sent out on Mondays to practice at home before the tests on the following Monday. Current spellings can be found online on the link to the right. Maths fluency questions are set on Wednesday and due back by the following Monday. On a Wednesday evening your child will be sent home with both their spelling test book and their maths home learning book so you can see how your child is progressing. We also strongly encourage the children to read at least three times a week at home and  reading books will be changed every Thursday.

Please make sure children wear their PE kits for our sporting activities: we have Games on Tuesdays and PE on Wednesdays. Tuesdays Games lessons will be outdoors (weather permitting) and you may wish to consider your child having a tracksuit for the day. This must be PLAIN navy please. Please make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on these days.


Year 2 Medium Term Plan Unit 2

2MK Timetable

2JS TimetableKS1 Spellings

Year 2 Reading Workshop Slides

Year 2 Writing Workshop Slides