Lickey Hills School pupil looking at book with teacher in class
The Language Base

"Pupils in the language base receive excellent support to make the progress they are capable of."

Ofsted 2024 

We have 20 places available through the local authority in our specialist base. Our pupils here are very much part of our highly inclusive school and follow the same curriculum as their peers at the level appropriate to their need. We have high expectations of all our language base pupils and take great pride in seeing their progress and confidence flourish during their time with us. Our base pupils are increasingly and successfully integrated into mainstream classes wherever possible, with appropriate support for pupils and staff.

LHPNS Specialist Language Base pupils and staff add a significant dimension to our school community and ethos. Staff include specialist speech , language and communication teachers as well as primary teaching staff and experienced assistants . We have high expectations of all pupils in the base , they follow the national curriculum and school thematic curriculum participating enthusiastically in every aspect of school life ,as you will see from their 'Class Pages.'

At Lickey Hills Primary and Nursery School we are totally committed to ensuring that provision is made which maximises learning opportunities for all of our children and their individual needs.

Parents often ask: "How do I get a place in Language Base for my child?"

Parents / carers will have been  consulted by School/and or their Speech and Language Therapist about a referral to the Language class and parents have given their consent for the referral.

It is expected that child will be referred for a place based on a recommendation from their Speech and Language Therapist as the child has significant specific Speech Language and / or Communication needs.

Pupils ideally live in Worcestershire. The referral should be made by the child’s Speech and Language Therapy team to Worcestershire Local Authority, who will check that the initial criteria are met. If they are, the Local Authority will forward the referral paperwork to the Language base  admissions team for consideration for placement.

Most children/young people who have a place in the base will therefore:

  • Be of Reception age and above
  • Have specific Speech, Language and Communication needs
  • Have ability within the average range expected for children of their age 
  • Have already received at least 4 – 6 intervention sessions from a Speech and Language Therapist
  • Have received relevant interventions from School or nursery, as advised by Speech and Language Therapy, as part of SEN Support and the Graduated Response to meeting Special Educational Needs
  • Despite intervention will still be demonstrating cause for concern such that the Speech and Language Therapist is of the opinion that a period of intensive intervention within a Language Class is required.
  • If there are concerns about other areas of development, will be seen by a paediatrician to check for other developmental problems.
  • Have Speech and Language as the primary concern in the absence of other primary physical, learning and significant social communication difficulties.