
Mrs Virnuls


Welcome to the Nursery web page. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school.

On this page you can find:

- Information about Nursery including ways to support your child with their learning including play activity ideas to develop fine motor skills, early phonic awareness and number skills.

- Information about our curriculum, including an overview of our current topic.

A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Nursery Curriculum.

This term we will be busy learning about Superpowers and Superheroes! Our topic will enable us to think about the significant people in our lives and the legacy they leave for us. We will identify different jobs in our family and the local community. In creative activities, we will draw, collage and paint simple representations of ourselves. To develop our musical skills, we will continue learning new rhymes and songs, to develop melodic shape.

Home Reading- All children in Nursery have a clear communication folder which holds their reading diary and books. Children receive two books weekly: one is chosen by the children to encourage and foster the love of books and the second is designed to support children to develop early reading behaviours. (See 'How to support my child in early reading' below). Please return the communication folder to school each Tuesday with the reading diary and both books ready to be returned to you on Wednesday. Please clearly indicate that you have read on at least three days at home.

PE - Nursery have PE on Wednesdays (morning and day children) and Thursdays (afternoon and day children). Please send your child to school in their kit on these days. Please make sure all earrings are removed or covered with tape before school on these days.

Phonic and Early Reading Presentation

Physical and Writing Development Presentation

How To Support My Child In Early Reading

What to Expect in the Early Years- a guide for parents

Developmental matters

Characteristics of Effective learning

ELG new curriculum overview

Home school play ideas

Number Rhymes

Letter Rhymes

Transition to Nursery

Nursery Admissions and Charging Policy 2023