Year 6

Miss Smith and Mrs Llewelyn

Mr Holloway

Welcome to the Year 6 web page. In 6AS you will find Miss Smith and in 6JL you will find Mrs Llewelyn. Helping children across both classes, you will find the wonderful Mr Holloway. If you have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the school. 

On this page you can find:

- Class information including spellings and home learning;

- Information about our curriculum and learning, including an overview of our current topics.


A logo

Click on our logo to find out about our Year 6 Curriculum.

In Unit 3, our English lessons will focus around the book Holes by Louis Sachar. Holes tells the story of a boy called Stanley Yelnats, who gets sent to a juvenile detention centre called Camp Green Lake. At this camp, the boys have to dig holes every day to atone for their crimes, but they soon begin to wonder, what are they digging for? Using this book, the children will be writing a setting description of Camp Green Lake; writing a letter from the perspective of Stanley to his mom; and writing a balanced argument looking at the positives and negatives of Camp Green Lake operating as a juvenile detention centre. In maths this term, we will finish off our percentages topic, and we will also be studying measurement, ratio and algebra. Our history topic will be focused on Birmingham’s contribution and involvement in the Industrial Revolution. In Science, the children’s topic will be: Light Fantastic, where they will be building upon their learning from year 3, exploring the way light behaves - including light sources, reflection and shadows. 

In computing, the children will be programming: variables in games. In this topic, the children will use scratch to create and code their own games using variables. In art this term, the children will be exploring painting through studying the work of graffiti artist Bansky. They will create their own piece inspired by his work. In music, their topic will be: Can music be used to depict art? In this the children will be learning about the Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky, with the goal of composing their own piece of music inspired by a piece of art. Finally this term, in PE the children will be playing basketball and dodge ball. 

Maths home learning will be sent out every Wednesday and will be due the following Monday. As well as maths home learning, children are expected to access Times Table Rockstars three times per week, to help with learning and improving speed of times table facts (both multiplication and division). Spelling tests will be every Monday. Please remember to record your three weekly reads in your reading records and hand in every Monday. Oxford Reading Scheme books should be in your child's bag every day in case a teacher/TA needs to read with your child. 

Year 6 PE days are Thursdays and Fridays, so please send your child dressed in PE kits on these days. 

Unit 3 Year 6 Timetable

Unit 3 Year 6 Spellings 

Unit 3 Mr Holloway's Group Spellings

Unit 3 Year 6 Medium Term Plan

Year 6 Reading Parent Workshop Slides 

Year 6 SATs Parent Information Slides