Month: September 2017

Nursery fun!


We have settled into Nursery really well over the last few weeks, exploring our new classroom and getting to know each other.


Family Friday

WOW! Everyone had so much fun in the first family Friday session. The children loved having their grownups come and play for the afternoon! 

Absorbing Absorbency

Do more expensive kitchen towels soak up more water? That was the question we investigated as Year 2 examined the advertising claims of “Juan Sheet”. We tested five different paper kitchen towels to see which absorbed the most water.

And the best value kitchen towel? You’ll have to ask our young scientists to find out…

Chirstmas Child Box Ideas

Some of us have been helping to make games for children who don’t have very many belongings. They will be put into boxes and sent to them for Christmas. You could make your own at home! Here are some ideas.

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Traditional Tales


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We are learning to describe characters from traditional tales. We have been learning about how to describe by thinking about what a character looks, smells and sounds like.


Great start to the new term!

What an amazing class of children! All have made a really positive start to the new term with superb attitudes to their learning both in LB and their respective mainstream classes.  In maths we are working on place value and learning the properties of 2D polygons. Our theme this term has taken us back over 2000 years to the Ancient Egyptians where we’ll be exploring the great pyramids and the sarcophagi within! Watch this space for exciting photos…

Amazing home learning!

We are really enjoying seeing the different modes of transport you have been building at home! So far we have had horse and carts, jet skis, boats, tanks, cars and more! Very imaginative, 2AP.

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Amazing Australian Art Work by Ashleigh Y6

On my walk around school this week I discovered this super piece of aboriginal inspired Artwork by Ashleigh in Year 6. I was particularly impressed with her colour choices and the care she has taken to produce such a striking picture. Well done Ashleigh, what an excellent effort and well deserving of a Headteacher Award and Golden Book entry.

Building houses for the Three Little Pigs

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Today we went into the garden and found materials to build houses for the Three Little Pigs. We wrote labels and sentences to describe what we made. 

Super Subtraction

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Today we learnt how to use counters to subtract. We are going to be learning how to use a number line tomorrow. How exciting!