Month: October 2017

Putting our Values in Action

Thank you to everyone who contributed early Christmas gifts for Operation Christmas Child in Zambia. It’s good to see our values of friendship and kindness going beyond our school gates.

YOUNGSTERS from Lickey Hills Primary School have been inspired to help give children less fortunate a better Christmas, thanks to a local visitor.

Rosemary Aveyard who is co-ordinating Barnt Green’s Operation Christmas Child gave a presentation to years one to six during a school assembly.

She talked about her visit to Zambia where she saw the impact the boxes full of toys and gifts had on their recipients and showed them a Powerpoint presentation relating to the scheme.

Year five teacher Sarah Brooks said the children loved Rosemary’s visit and finding out about Operation Christmas Child.

“They were really inspired and now want to do something for the children less fortunate than themselves.

“So hopefully we’ll get lots of boxes.”

Tomorrow between 10am and 4pm at Barnt Green Parish Centre it will be Super Shoe Box Saturday where volunteers will be tasked with packing the gifts into boxes and tea, coffee and cake will be available to raise funds for transporting the boxes.

Last year St Andrew’s Church and St Andrew’s School sent more than 300 boxes between them.

Gifts for the boxes throughout the year but more will be welcome tomorrow.

Look at pictures of our learning this half term !

We have been learning lots this half term .  Here are some pictures of the different areas of learning  we have been focusing on. 

Taylor learning about the different sound the suffix’ed’ can make at the end of verbs. SUNP0547 Azaan discriminating between upper and lower case letters SUNP0553 Rowan, Jaiden and Azaan  investigating tens and units SUNP0573 SUNP0574 SUNP0579

Harrison, Rowan and Azaan  investigating amounts of money .SUNP0590 SUNP0591 SUNP0592

Azaan   Jaiden, Cameron and Freddie identifying and comparing big and small. Cameron and Azann estimated how tall each tower was and then counted the cubes.  Jaiden estimated how many centimetres high his tower was and measured using a ruler. All the children made great estimates.

SUNP0626 SUNP0623 SUNP0622 SUNP0625Freddie counting out to 5.


Marcus counting numbers to 5 as well.


Harrison brought in signs of Autumn to our show and tell. He particularly loved the red  leaf  fro the Acer tree in his garden as it was very colourful and delicate

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LB1 spent a great morning investigating floating and sinking with Dr Fishwick. 
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Autumn days

We went on a Autumnal walk to use our senses to discover the changes of the seasons. It was a perfect Autumn day. We enjoyed spotting different signs and listening to the leaves crunch beneath our feet and feeling the wind in our hair! We then made an Autumn display in class and talked about our experiences.

Autumn walk to the field

We had a great time exploring in the muddy field this afternoon. We were looking out for the signs of autumn, we loved jumping in the fallen leaves. 

Indian Restaurant

We have had a great time sampling Indian dishes, tasting a variety of foods including pilau rice, garlic naan bread, poppadums, chickpea dhal and mango chutney.  Yum yum!


Coventry Transport Museum

Year 2 have had such a fun, interesting day exploring transport at the Transport Museum. We went on a journey back through time to see how people travelled and saw lots of interesting cars! 

Then we explored bicycles through time and even got to try some out. The children were so sensible and the Year 2 teachers are very proud of their super behaviour all day!

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Year 6 Outdoor Adventurers

Year 6 start their first day at PGL today. I’m sure each and every one of them will enjoy the experience, learn new skills and put our school values into action. I’m looking forward to joining them for the rest of the week where I know I’ll see resilience, perseverance and cooperation from our super Year 6 role models. 

Finished cars

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Car building

We have loved building our own cars this week! We finished building them today and had lots of fun decorating them with windows, lights, windscreen wipers and even exhausts! We worked so well as a team and are really proud of our finished cars! 

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Making Friends

   We have been continuing getting to know each other and making friends. This week we have painted our friend, taken their photo and made a cake to share.

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