Month: July 2018

Building Dens with Dr Fishwick

Day at Fenn Lane Farm

Year 1 Smite Farm Visit 2018

Year 1 had a super day visiting Smite Farm. We learnt about growing wheat so we could  help Little Red Hen make bread.

We had fun exploring the best place to grow a seed, making bread and going on a walk through the farm. with Little Red Hen. 

African Mask

African Masks

We have enjoyed designing and making our African masks. 

Sports Day

What a fantastic two afternoons our school had last Thursday and Friday on the field for our annual Sports Days. How lucky we were with the weather too, after a brief scare on Friday morning. The Key Stage 2 children were able to compete with great skill and determination in field events ranging from shotput to javelin and track events including the hurdles and 400m while the Key Stage 1 children did brilliantly in all three of their events, including a very challenging obstacle course. Our Early Years children
also had a brilliant Sports Day, showing off some seriously impressive ‘welly wanging’ skills. All the children, across the school, tried their hardest and there were some outstanding performances from all age groups. It was lovely to see the children being competitive and determined but also showing great encouragement and sportsmanship towards each other throughout the afternoons. Thank you so much to the PTA for
providing refreshments and for all the parents who came to support the children at theevent. It was fantastic to see so many parents supporting the children in all the different activities and we even had some very competitive parent races! Congratulations to Oak House on winning the Sports Day Cup but congratulations to allthe children in all Houses for participating in, what was I hope, a very enjoyable afternoon which showcased what fantastic staff, parents and most importantly
children we have here at Lickey Hills.

An afternoon spent drawing around our shadows…

What lovely teamwork this afternoon 2AP!


African culture

We have made African neck collars in art today.

Do you like the bright colours and patterns we used?

Measuring Mass

This week in Maths we have learnt about mass.

We found things which were heavy, light and as heavy as each other. We used cubes to estimate and measure the mass of objects.